-- Title : [PGSPGS9.2] text match with like, ilike, similar to and posix
-- Reference : postgresql.org, www.oreillynet.com
-- Key word : postgresql text match text matching like ilike similar to posix sensitive insensitiv
텍스트매치 텍스트매칭 대문자 소문자 텍스트검색 포식스 escape 이스케이프 문자열
-- Meaning
o + : denotes repetition of the previous item one or more times.
o ? : denotes repetition of the previous item zero or one time.
o : denotes repetition of the previous item exactly m times.
o : denotes repetition of the previous item m or more times.
o : denotes repetition of the previous item at least m and not more than n times.
o () : can be used to group items into a single logical item.
o [] : specifies a character class, just as in POSIX regular expressions.
-- Title : [PGSPGS9.2] text match with like, ilike, similar to and posix
-- Reference : postgresql.org, www.oreillynet.com
-- Key word : postgresql text match text matching like ilike similar to posix sensitive insensitiv
텍스트매치 텍스트매칭 대문자 소문자 텍스트검색 포식스 escape 이스케이프 문자열
-- Initiate Tables
-- Init. Ojbect
drop table ttt;
CREATE TABLE ttt(record text);
insert into ttt
values ('a')
, ('ab')
, ('abc')
, ('01234asdf')
, ('123abc')
, ('132abc')
, ('123ABC')
, ('abc123')
, ('4567')
, ('5678')
, ('6789')
, ('1234_abcd')
, ('abc_123');
-- like
select * from ttt where record like 'a%'; /*sensitive*/
select * from ttt where record ilike 'a%'; /*insensitive*/
select * from ttt where lower(record) like 'a%';
select * from ttt where record like '%#_%' escape '#'
-- Similar to
-- Meaning
o | : denotes alternation (either of two alternatives).
양자 택일 (2 가지 선택 중 하나)을 의미.
o * : denotes repetition of the previous item zero or more times.
이전 항목 0 개 이상 복수의 반복을 의미.
o + : denotes repetition of the previous item one or more times.
이전 항목 1 회 이상 여러 반복을 의미.
o ? : denotes repetition of the previous item zero or one time.
이전 항목의 0 번 또는 1 번 반복을 의미.
o : denotes repetition of the previous item exactly m times.
이전 항목의 정확한 m 회 반복을 의미.
o : denotes repetition of the previous item m or more times.
이전 항목의 m 번 이상 반복을 의미.
o : denotes repetition of the previous item at least m and not more than n times.
이전 항목의 m 번 이상이고 n 회 이하의 반복을 의미.
o () : can be used to group items into a single logical item.
항목을 하나의 논리 항목에 그룹화 가능.
o [] : specifies a character class, just as in POSIX regular expressions.
POSIX 정규 표현과 같게 문자 클래스를 지정.
-- Using SIMILAR TO(sensitive)
select record
, record similar to '(a|6)%' "(a|6)%"
, record similar to '%(8|d)%' "%(8|d)%"
, record similar to '%#_%' escape '#' "escape"
, record similar to '%(a*)%' "%(8|d)%"
from ttt;
-- Posix
-- Read ttt
select * from ttt;
-- matches regular expression, case sensitive
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '1';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ 'a';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ 'A';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '3a';
-- matches regular expression, case insensitive
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~* 'a'; /* like 'a' */
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~* '3a';
-- not matches regular expression, case sensitive
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record !~ 'a';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record !~ 'A';
-- not matches regular expression, case insensitive
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record !~* 'a'; /* not like 'a' */
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record !~* '3a';
-- string that begin : caret(^)
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '^1';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '^a';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~* '^a';
-- string that end : dollar($)
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ 'c$';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ 'bc$';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~* 'bc$';
-- or condition : blanket([])
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '[4a]'; /* 4 or a */
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '[ac7]';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '[a7A]';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~* '[ac7]';
-- between condition : blanket([-])
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '[2-4]';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~* '[a-c5]'; /* [a-c] or 5 */
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '[a-cA-C5-7]';
-- and condition : two blankets([][])
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '[a-b][b-c]';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '[a-b][c-d]';
-- don't understand.. :(
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '[^0-9]';
-- or condition : pipe(|)
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '^a|c$';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ 'a|c'; /* equal to [ac] */
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '[ac]';
SELECT record FROM ttt WHERE record ~ '[^0-9|^a-z]';
-- Further more Information