
-- Title : [PGS9.2] pg_catalog.function 리스트

-- Reference : pgAdmin III
-- Key word : pg_catalog functioin 함수

abbrev(inet) postgres abbreviated display of inet value
abbrev(cidr) postgres abbreviated display of cidr value
abs(real) postgres absolute value
abs(numeric) postgres absolute value
abs(double precision) postgres absolute value
abs(bigint) postgres absolute value
abs(integer) postgres absolute value
abs(smallint) postgres absolute value
abstime(timestamp without time zone) postgres convert timestamp to abstime
abstime(timestamp with time zone) postgres convert timestamp with time zone to abstime
abstimeeq(abstime, abstime) postgres implementation of = operator
abstimege(abstime, abstime) postgres implementation of >= operator
abstimegt(abstime, abstime) postgres implementation of > operator
abstimein(cstring) postgres I/O
abstimele(abstime, abstime) postgres implementation of <= operator
abstimelt(abstime, abstime) postgres implementation of < operator
abstimene(abstime, abstime) postgres implementation of <> operator
abstimeout(abstime) postgres I/O
abstimerecv(internal) postgres I/O
abstimesend(abstime) postgres I/O
aclcontains(aclitem[], aclitem) postgres contains
acldefault("char", oid) postgres TODO
aclexplode(aclitem[]) postgres convert ACL item array to table, for use by information schema
aclinsert(aclitem[], aclitem) postgres add/update ACL item
aclitemeq(aclitem, aclitem) postgres implementation of = operator
aclitemin(cstring) postgres I/O
aclitemout(aclitem) postgres I/O
aclremove(aclitem[], aclitem) postgres remove ACL item
acos(double precision) postgres arccosine
age(xid) postgres age of a transaction ID, in transactions before current transaction
age(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres date difference preserving months and years
age(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres date difference preserving months and years
age(timestamp without time zone) postgres date difference from today preserving months and years
age(timestamp with time zone) postgres date difference from today preserving months and years
any_in(cstring) postgres I/O
any_out("any") postgres I/O
anyarray_in(cstring) postgres I/O
anyarray_out(anyarray) postgres I/O
anyarray_recv(internal) postgres I/O
anyarray_send(anyarray) postgres I/O
anyelement_in(cstring) postgres I/O
anyelement_out(anyelement) postgres I/O
anyenum_in(cstring) postgres I/O
anyenum_out(anyenum) postgres I/O
anynonarray_in(cstring) postgres I/O
anynonarray_out(anynonarray) postgres I/O
anyrange_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
anyrange_out(anyrange) postgres I/O
anytextcat(anynonarray, text) postgres implementation of || operator
area(path) postgres area of a closed path
area(box) postgres box area
area(circle) postgres area of circle
areajoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity for area-comparison operators
areasel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity for area-comparison operators
array_agg_finalfn(internal) postgres aggregate final function
array_agg_transfn(internal, anyelement) postgres aggregate transition function
array_append(anyarray, anyelement) postgres append element onto end of array
array_cat(anyarray, anyarray) postgres implementation of || operator
array_dims(anyarray) postgres array dimensions
array_eq(anyarray, anyarray) postgres implementation of = operator
array_fill(anyelement, integer[]) postgres array constructor with value
array_fill(anyelement, integer[], integer[]) postgres array constructor with value
array_ge(anyarray, anyarray) postgres implementation of >= operator
array_gt(anyarray, anyarray) postgres implementation of > operator
array_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
array_larger(anyarray, anyarray) postgres larger of two
array_le(anyarray, anyarray) postgres implementation of <= operator
array_length(anyarray, integer) postgres array length
array_lower(anyarray, integer) postgres array lower dimension
array_lt(anyarray, anyarray) postgres implementation of < operator
array_ndims(anyarray) postgres number of array dimensions
array_ne(anyarray, anyarray) postgres implementation of <> operator
array_out(anyarray) postgres I/O
array_prepend(anyelement, anyarray) postgres prepend element onto front of array
array_recv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
array_send(anyarray) postgres I/O
array_smaller(anyarray, anyarray) postgres smaller of two
array_to_json(anyarray) postgres map array to json
array_to_json(anyarray, boolean) postgres map array to json with optional pretty printing
array_to_string(anyarray, text) postgres concatenate array elements, using delimiter, into text
array_to_string(anyarray, text, text) postgres concatenate array elements, using delimiter and null string, into text
array_typanalyze(internal) postgres array typanalyze
array_upper(anyarray, integer) postgres array upper dimension
arraycontained(anyarray, anyarray) postgres implementation of <@ operator
arraycontains(anyarray, anyarray) postgres implementation of @> operator
arraycontjoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity for array-containment operators
arraycontsel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity for array-containment operators
arrayoverlap(anyarray, anyarray) postgres implementation of && operator
ascii(text) postgres convert first char to int4
ascii_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for SQL_ASCII to MULE_INTERNAL
ascii_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for SQL_ASCII to UTF8
asin(double precision) postgres arcsine
atan(double precision) postgres arctangent
atan2(double precision, double precision) postgres arctangent, two arguments
big5_to_euc_tw(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for BIG5 to EUC_TW
big5_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for BIG5 to MULE_INTERNAL
big5_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for BIG5 to UTF8
bit(integer, integer) postgres convert int4 to bitstring
bit(bit, integer, boolean) postgres adjust bit() to typmod length
bit(bigint, integer) postgres convert int8 to bitstring
bit_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
bit_length(bytea) postgres length in bits
bit_length(text) postgres length in bits
bit_length(bit) postgres length in bits
bit_out(bit) postgres I/O
bit_recv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
bit_send(bit) postgres I/O
bitand(bit, bit) postgres implementation of & operator
bitcat(bit varying, bit varying) postgres implementation of || operator
bitcmp(bit, bit) postgres less-equal-greater
biteq(bit, bit) postgres implementation of = operator
bitge(bit, bit) postgres implementation of >= operator
bitgt(bit, bit) postgres implementation of > operator
bitle(bit, bit) postgres implementation of <= operator
bitlt(bit, bit) postgres implementation of < operator
bitne(bit, bit) postgres implementation of <> operator
bitnot(bit) postgres implementation of ~ operator
bitor(bit, bit) postgres implementation of | operator
bitshiftleft(bit, integer) postgres implementation of << operator
bitshiftright(bit, integer) postgres implementation of >> operator
bittypmodin(cstring[]) postgres I/O typmod
bittypmodout(integer) postgres I/O typmod
bitxor(bit, bit) postgres implementation of # operator
bool(integer) postgres convert int4 to boolean
booland_statefunc(boolean, boolean) postgres aggregate transition function
booleq(boolean, boolean) postgres implementation of = operator
boolge(boolean, boolean) postgres implementation of >= operator
boolgt(boolean, boolean) postgres implementation of > operator
boolin(cstring) postgres I/O
boolle(boolean, boolean) postgres implementation of <= operator
boollt(boolean, boolean) postgres implementation of < operator
boolne(boolean, boolean) postgres implementation of <> operator
boolor_statefunc(boolean, boolean) postgres aggregate transition function
boolout(boolean) postgres I/O
boolrecv(internal) postgres I/O
boolsend(boolean) postgres I/O
box(point, point) postgres convert points to box
box(polygon) postgres convert polygon to bounding box
box(circle) postgres convert circle to box
box_above(box, box) postgres implementation of |>> operator
box_above_eq(box, box) postgres implementation of >^ operator
box_add(box, point) postgres implementation of + operator
box_below(box, box) postgres implementation of <<| operator
box_below_eq(box, box) postgres implementation of <^ operator
box_center(box) postgres implementation of @@ operator
box_contain(box, box) postgres implementation of @> operator
box_contain_pt(box, point) postgres implementation of @> operator
box_contained(box, box) postgres implementation of <@ operator
box_distance(box, box) postgres implementation of <-> operator
box_div(box, point) postgres implementation of / operator
box_eq(box, box) postgres implementation of = operator
box_ge(box, box) postgres implementation of >= operator
box_gt(box, box) postgres implementation of > operator
box_in(cstring) postgres I/O
box_intersect(box, box) postgres implementation of # operator
box_le(box, box) postgres implementation of <= operator
box_left(box, box) postgres implementation of << operator
box_lt(box, box) postgres implementation of < operator
box_mul(box, point) postgres implementation of * operator
box_out(box) postgres I/O
box_overabove(box, box) postgres implementation of |&> operator
box_overbelow(box, box) postgres implementation of &<| operator
box_overlap(box, box) postgres implementation of && operator
box_overleft(box, box) postgres implementation of &< operator
box_overright(box, box) postgres implementation of &> operator
box_recv(internal) postgres I/O
box_right(box, box) postgres implementation of >> operator
box_same(box, box) postgres implementation of ~= operator
box_send(box) postgres I/O
box_sub(box, point) postgres implementation of - operator
bpchar(name) postgres convert name to char(n)
bpchar(character, integer, boolean) postgres adjust char() to typmod length
bpchar("char") postgres convert char to char(n)
bpchar_larger(character, character) postgres larger of two
bpchar_pattern_ge(character, character) postgres implementation of ~>=~ operator
bpchar_pattern_gt(character, character) postgres implementation of ~>~ operator
bpchar_pattern_le(character, character) postgres implementation of ~<=~ operator
bpchar_pattern_lt(character, character) postgres implementation of ~<~ operator
bpchar_smaller(character, character) postgres smaller of two
bpcharcmp(character, character) postgres less-equal-greater
bpchareq(character, character) postgres implementation of = operator
bpcharge(character, character) postgres implementation of >= operator
bpchargt(character, character) postgres implementation of > operator
bpchariclike(character, text) postgres implementation of ~~* operator
bpcharicnlike(character, text) postgres implementation of !~~* operator
bpcharicregexeq(character, text) postgres implementation of ~* operator
bpcharicregexne(character, text) postgres implementation of !~* operator
bpcharin(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
bpcharle(character, character) postgres implementation of <= operator
bpcharlike(character, text) postgres implementation of ~~ operator
bpcharlt(character, character) postgres implementation of < operator
bpcharne(character, character) postgres implementation of <> operator
bpcharnlike(character, text) postgres implementation of !~~ operator
bpcharout(character) postgres I/O
bpcharrecv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
bpcharregexeq(character, text) postgres implementation of ~ operator
bpcharregexne(character, text) postgres implementation of !~ operator
bpcharsend(character) postgres I/O
bpchartypmodin(cstring[]) postgres I/O typmod
bpchartypmodout(integer) postgres I/O typmod
broadcast(inet) postgres broadcast address of network
btabstimecmp(abstime, abstime) postgres less-equal-greater
btarraycmp(anyarray, anyarray) postgres less-equal-greater
btbeginscan(internal, internal, internal) postgres btree(internal)
btboolcmp(boolean, boolean) postgres less-equal-greater
btbpchar_pattern_cmp(character, character) postgres less-equal-greater
btbuild(internal, internal, internal) postgres btree(internal)
btbuildempty(internal) postgres btree(internal)
btbulkdelete(internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres btree(internal)
btcanreturn(internal) postgres btree(internal)
btcharcmp("char", "char") postgres less-equal-greater
btcostestimate(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres btree(internal)
btendscan(internal) postgres btree(internal)
btfloat48cmp(real, double precision) postgres less-equal-greater
btfloat4cmp(real, real) postgres less-equal-greater
btfloat4sortsupport(internal) postgres sort support
btfloat84cmp(double precision, real) postgres less-equal-greater
btfloat8cmp(double precision, double precision) postgres less-equal-greater
btfloat8sortsupport(internal) postgres sort support
btgetbitmap(internal, internal) postgres btree(internal)
btgettuple(internal, internal) postgres btree(internal)
btinsert(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres btree(internal)
btint24cmp(smallint, integer) postgres less-equal-greater
btint28cmp(smallint, bigint) postgres less-equal-greater
btint2cmp(smallint, smallint) postgres less-equal-greater
btint2sortsupport(internal) postgres sort support
btint42cmp(integer, smallint) postgres less-equal-greater
btint48cmp(integer, bigint) postgres less-equal-greater
btint4cmp(integer, integer) postgres less-equal-greater
btint4sortsupport(internal) postgres sort support
btint82cmp(bigint, smallint) postgres less-equal-greater
btint84cmp(bigint, integer) postgres less-equal-greater
btint8cmp(bigint, bigint) postgres less-equal-greater
btint8sortsupport(internal) postgres sort support
btmarkpos(internal) postgres btree(internal)
btnamecmp(name, name) postgres less-equal-greater
btnamesortsupport(internal) postgres sort support
btoidcmp(oid, oid) postgres less-equal-greater
btoidsortsupport(internal) postgres sort support
btoidvectorcmp(oidvector, oidvector) postgres less-equal-greater
btoptions(text[], boolean) postgres btree(internal)
btrecordcmp(record, record) postgres less-equal-greater
btreltimecmp(reltime, reltime) postgres less-equal-greater
btrescan(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres btree(internal)
btrestrpos(internal) postgres btree(internal)
btrim(bytea, bytea) postgres trim both ends of string
btrim(text, text) postgres trim selected characters from both ends of string
btrim(text) postgres trim spaces from both ends of string
bttext_pattern_cmp(text, text) postgres less-equal-greater
bttextcmp(text, text) postgres less-equal-greater
bttidcmp(tid, tid) postgres less-equal-greater
bttintervalcmp(tinterval, tinterval) postgres less-equal-greater
btvacuumcleanup(internal, internal) postgres btree(internal)
bytea_string_agg_finalfn(internal) postgres aggregate final function
bytea_string_agg_transfn(internal, bytea, bytea) postgres aggregate transition function
byteacat(bytea, bytea) postgres implementation of || operator
byteacmp(bytea, bytea) postgres less-equal-greater
byteaeq(bytea, bytea) postgres implementation of = operator
byteage(bytea, bytea) postgres implementation of >= operator
byteagt(bytea, bytea) postgres implementation of > operator
byteain(cstring) postgres I/O
byteale(bytea, bytea) postgres implementation of <= operator
bytealike(bytea, bytea) postgres implementation of ~~ operator
bytealt(bytea, bytea) postgres implementation of < operator
byteane(bytea, bytea) postgres implementation of <> operator
byteanlike(bytea, bytea) postgres implementation of !~~ operator
byteaout(bytea) postgres I/O
bytearecv(internal) postgres I/O
byteasend(bytea) postgres I/O
cash_cmp(money, money) postgres less-equal-greater
cash_div_cash(money, money) postgres implementation of / operator
cash_div_flt4(money, real) postgres implementation of / operator
cash_div_flt8(money, double precision) postgres implementation of / operator
cash_div_int2(money, smallint) postgres implementation of / operator
cash_div_int4(money, integer) postgres implementation of / operator
cash_eq(money, money) postgres implementation of = operator
cash_ge(money, money) postgres implementation of >= operator
cash_gt(money, money) postgres implementation of > operator
cash_in(cstring) postgres I/O
cash_le(money, money) postgres implementation of <= operator
cash_lt(money, money) postgres implementation of < operator
cash_mi(money, money) postgres implementation of - operator
cash_mul_flt4(money, real) postgres implementation of * operator
cash_mul_flt8(money, double precision) postgres implementation of * operator
cash_mul_int2(money, smallint) postgres implementation of * operator
cash_mul_int4(money, integer) postgres implementation of * operator
cash_ne(money, money) postgres implementation of <> operator
cash_out(money) postgres I/O
cash_pl(money, money) postgres implementation of + operator
cash_recv(internal) postgres I/O
cash_send(money) postgres I/O
cash_words(money) postgres output money amount as words
cashlarger(money, money) postgres larger of two
cashsmaller(money, money) postgres smaller of two
cbrt(double precision) postgres cube root
ceil(numeric) postgres smallest integer >= value
ceil(double precision) postgres smallest integer >= value
ceiling(numeric) postgres smallest integer >= value
ceiling(double precision) postgres smallest integer >= value
center(box) postgres center of
center(circle) postgres center of
char(text) postgres convert text to char
char(integer) postgres convert int4 to char
char_length(character) postgres character length
char_length(text) postgres character length
character_length(text) postgres character length
character_length(character) postgres character length
chareq("char", "char") postgres implementation of = operator
charge("char", "char") postgres implementation of >= operator
chargt("char", "char") postgres implementation of > operator
charin(cstring) postgres I/O
charle("char", "char") postgres implementation of <= operator
charlt("char", "char") postgres implementation of < operator
charne("char", "char") postgres implementation of <> operator
charout("char") postgres I/O
charrecv(internal) postgres I/O
charsend("char") postgres I/O
chr(integer) postgres convert int4 to char
cideq(cid, cid) postgres implementation of = operator
cidin(cstring) postgres I/O
cidout(cid) postgres I/O
cidr(inet) postgres convert inet to cidr
cidr_in(cstring) postgres I/O
cidr_out(cidr) postgres I/O
cidr_recv(internal) postgres I/O
cidr_send(cidr) postgres I/O
cidrecv(internal) postgres I/O
cidsend(cid) postgres I/O
circle(point, double precision) postgres convert point and radius to circle
circle(polygon) postgres convert polygon to circle
circle(box) postgres convert box to circle
circle_above(circle, circle) postgres implementation of |>> operator
circle_add_pt(circle, point) postgres implementation of + operator
circle_below(circle, circle) postgres implementation of <<| operator
circle_center(circle) postgres implementation of @@ operator
circle_contain(circle, circle) postgres implementation of @> operator
circle_contain_pt(circle, point) postgres implementation of @> operator
circle_contained(circle, circle) postgres implementation of <@ operator
circle_distance(circle, circle) postgres implementation of <-> operator
circle_div_pt(circle, point) postgres implementation of / operator
circle_eq(circle, circle) postgres implementation of = operator
circle_ge(circle, circle) postgres implementation of >= operator
circle_gt(circle, circle) postgres implementation of > operator
circle_in(cstring) postgres I/O
circle_le(circle, circle) postgres implementation of <= operator
circle_left(circle, circle) postgres implementation of << operator
circle_lt(circle, circle) postgres implementation of < operator
circle_mul_pt(circle, point) postgres implementation of * operator
circle_ne(circle, circle) postgres implementation of <> operator
circle_out(circle) postgres I/O
circle_overabove(circle, circle) postgres implementation of |&> operator
circle_overbelow(circle, circle) postgres implementation of &<| operator
circle_overlap(circle, circle) postgres implementation of && operator
circle_overleft(circle, circle) postgres implementation of &< operator
circle_overright(circle, circle) postgres implementation of &> operator
circle_recv(internal) postgres I/O
circle_right(circle, circle) postgres implementation of >> operator
circle_same(circle, circle) postgres implementation of ~= operator
circle_send(circle) postgres I/O
circle_sub_pt(circle, point) postgres implementation of - operator
clock_timestamp() postgres current clock time
close_lb(line, box) postgres implementation of ## operator
close_ls(line, lseg) postgres implementation of ## operator
close_lseg(lseg, lseg) postgres implementation of ## operator
close_pb(point, box) postgres implementation of ## operator
close_pl(point, line) postgres implementation of ## operator
close_ps(point, lseg) postgres implementation of ## operator
close_sb(lseg, box) postgres implementation of ## operator
close_sl(lseg, line) postgres implementation of ## operator
col_description(oid, integer) postgres get description for table column
concat("any") postgres concatenate values
concat_ws(text, "any") postgres concatenate values with separators
contjoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity for containment comparison operators
contsel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity for containment comparison operators
convert(bytea, name, name) postgres convert string with specified encoding names
convert_from(bytea, name) postgres convert string with specified source encoding name
convert_to(text, name) postgres convert string with specified destination encoding name
cos(double precision) postgres cosine
cot(double precision) postgres cotangent
cstring_in(cstring) postgres I/O
cstring_out(cstring) postgres I/O
cstring_recv(internal) postgres I/O
cstring_send(cstring) postgres I/O
cume_dist() postgres fractional row number within partition
current_database() postgres name of the current database
current_query() postgres get the currently executing query
current_schema() postgres current schema name
current_schemas(boolean) postgres current schema search list
current_setting(text) postgres SHOW X as a function
current_user() postgres current user name
currtid(oid, tid) postgres latest tid of a tuple
currtid2(text, tid) postgres latest tid of a tuple
currval(regclass) postgres sequence current value
cursor_to_xml(refcursor, integer, boolean, boolean, text) postgres map rows from cursor to XML
cursor_to_xmlschema(refcursor, boolean, boolean, text) postgres map cursor structure to XML Schema
database_to_xml(boolean, boolean, text) postgres map database contents to XML
database_to_xml_and_xmlschema(boolean, boolean, text) postgres map database contents and structure to XML and XML Schema
database_to_xmlschema(boolean, boolean, text) postgres map database structure to XML Schema
date(timestamp with time zone) postgres convert timestamp with time zone to date
date(abstime) postgres convert abstime to date
date(timestamp without time zone) postgres convert timestamp to date
date_cmp(date, date) postgres less-equal-greater
date_cmp_timestamp(date, timestamp without time zone) postgres less-equal-greater
date_cmp_timestamptz(date, timestamp with time zone) postgres less-equal-greater
date_eq(date, date) postgres implementation of = operator
date_eq_timestamp(date, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of = operator
date_eq_timestamptz(date, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of = operator
date_ge(date, date) postgres implementation of >= operator
date_ge_timestamp(date, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of >= operator
date_ge_timestamptz(date, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of >= operator
date_gt(date, date) postgres implementation of > operator
date_gt_timestamp(date, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of > operator
date_gt_timestamptz(date, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of > operator
date_in(cstring) postgres I/O
date_larger(date, date) postgres larger of two
date_le(date, date) postgres implementation of <= operator
date_le_timestamp(date, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of <= operator
date_le_timestamptz(date, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of <= operator
date_lt(date, date) postgres implementation of < operator
date_lt_timestamp(date, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of < operator
date_lt_timestamptz(date, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of < operator
date_mi(date, date) postgres implementation of - operator
date_mi_interval(date, interval) postgres implementation of - operator
date_mii(date, integer) postgres implementation of - operator
date_ne(date, date) postgres implementation of <> operator
date_ne_timestamp(date, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of <> operator
date_ne_timestamptz(date, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of <> operator
date_out(date) postgres I/O
date_part(text, timestamp with time zone) postgres extract field from timestamp with time zone
date_part(text, interval) postgres extract field from interval
date_part(text, time with time zone) postgres extract field from time with time zone
date_part(text, timestamp without time zone) postgres extract field from timestamp
date_part(text, abstime) postgres extract field from abstime
date_part(text, reltime) postgres extract field from reltime
date_part(text, date) postgres extract field from date
date_part(text, time without time zone) postgres extract field from time
date_pl_interval(date, interval) postgres implementation of + operator
date_pli(date, integer) postgres implementation of + operator
date_recv(internal) postgres I/O
date_send(date) postgres I/O
date_smaller(date, date) postgres smaller of two
date_sortsupport(internal) postgres sort support
date_trunc(text, timestamp with time zone) postgres truncate timestamp with time zone to specified units
date_trunc(text, interval) postgres truncate interval to specified units
date_trunc(text, timestamp without time zone) postgres truncate timestamp to specified units
daterange(date, date) postgres daterange constructor
daterange(date, date, text) postgres daterange constructor
daterange_canonical(daterange) postgres convert a date range to canonical form
daterange_subdiff(date, date) postgres float8 difference of two date values
datetime_pl(date, time without time zone) postgres implementation of + operator
datetimetz_pl(date, time with time zone) postgres implementation of + operator
dcbrt(double precision) postgres implementation of ||/ operator
decode(text, text) postgres convert ascii-encoded text string into bytea value
degrees(double precision) postgres radians to degrees
dense_rank() postgres integer rank without gaps
dexp(double precision) postgres natural exponential (e^x)
diagonal(box) postgres box diagonal
diameter(circle) postgres diameter of circle
dispell_init(internal) postgres (internal)
dispell_lexize(internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres (internal)
dist_cpoly(circle, polygon) postgres implementation of <-> operator
dist_lb(line, box) postgres implementation of <-> operator
dist_pb(point, box) postgres implementation of <-> operator
dist_pc(point, circle) postgres implementation of <-> operator
dist_pl(point, line) postgres implementation of <-> operator
dist_ppath(point, path) postgres implementation of <-> operator
dist_ps(point, lseg) postgres implementation of <-> operator
dist_sb(lseg, box) postgres implementation of <-> operator
dist_sl(lseg, line) postgres implementation of <-> operator
div(numeric, numeric) postgres trunc(x/y)
dlog1(double precision) postgres natural logarithm
dlog10(double precision) postgres base 10 logarithm
domain_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
domain_recv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
dpow(double precision, double precision) postgres implementation of ^ operator
dround(double precision) postgres round to nearest integer
dsimple_init(internal) postgres (internal)
dsimple_lexize(internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres (internal)
dsnowball_init(internal) postgres
dsnowball_lexize(internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres
dsqrt(double precision) postgres implementation of |/ operator
dsynonym_init(internal) postgres (internal)
dsynonym_lexize(internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres (internal)
dtrunc(double precision) postgres truncate to integer
elem_contained_by_range(anyelement, anyrange) postgres implementation of <@ operator
encode(bytea, text) postgres convert bytea value into some ascii-only text string
enum_cmp(anyenum, anyenum) postgres less-equal-greater
enum_eq(anyenum, anyenum) postgres implementation of = operator
enum_first(anyenum) postgres first value of the input enum type
enum_ge(anyenum, anyenum) postgres implementation of >= operator
enum_gt(anyenum, anyenum) postgres implementation of > operator
enum_in(cstring, oid) postgres I/O
enum_larger(anyenum, anyenum) postgres larger of two
enum_last(anyenum) postgres last value of the input enum type
enum_le(anyenum, anyenum) postgres implementation of <= operator
enum_lt(anyenum, anyenum) postgres implementation of < operator
enum_ne(anyenum, anyenum) postgres implementation of <> operator
enum_out(anyenum) postgres I/O
enum_range(anyenum) postgres range of the given enum type, as an ordered array
enum_range(anyenum, anyenum) postgres range between the two given enum values, as an ordered array
enum_recv(cstring, oid) postgres I/O
enum_send(anyenum) postgres I/O
enum_smaller(anyenum, anyenum) postgres smaller of two
eqjoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of = and related operators
eqsel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of = and related operators
euc_cn_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for EUC_CN to MULE_INTERNAL
euc_cn_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for EUC_CN to UTF8
euc_jis_2004_to_shift_jis_2004(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for EUC_JIS_2004 to SHIFT_JIS_2004
euc_jis_2004_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for EUC_JIS_2004 to UTF8
euc_jp_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for EUC_JP to MULE_INTERNAL
euc_jp_to_sjis(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for EUC_JP to SJIS
euc_jp_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for EUC_JP to UTF8
euc_kr_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for EUC_KR to MULE_INTERNAL
euc_kr_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for EUC_KR to UTF8
euc_tw_to_big5(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for EUC_TW to BIG5
euc_tw_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for EUC_TW to MULE_INTERNAL
euc_tw_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for EUC_TW to UTF8
exp(numeric) postgres natural exponential (e^x)
exp(double precision) postgres natural exponential (e^x)
factorial(bigint) postgres factorial
family(inet) postgres address family (4 for IPv4, 6 for IPv6)
fdw_handler_in(cstring) postgres I/O
fdw_handler_out(fdw_handler) postgres I/O
first_value(anyelement) postgres fetch the first row value
float4(double precision) postgres convert float8 to float4
float4(integer) postgres convert int4 to float4
float4(numeric) postgres convert numeric to float4
float4(smallint) postgres convert int2 to float4
float4(bigint) postgres convert int8 to float4
float48div(real, double precision) postgres implementation of / operator
float48eq(real, double precision) postgres implementation of = operator
float48ge(real, double precision) postgres implementation of >= operator
float48gt(real, double precision) postgres implementation of > operator
float48le(real, double precision) postgres implementation of <= operator
float48lt(real, double precision) postgres implementation of < operator
float48mi(real, double precision) postgres implementation of - operator
float48mul(real, double precision) postgres implementation of * operator
float48ne(real, double precision) postgres implementation of <> operator
float48pl(real, double precision) postgres implementation of + operator
float4_accum(double precision[], real) postgres aggregate transition function
float4abs(real) postgres implementation of @ operator
float4div(real, real) postgres implementation of / operator
float4eq(real, real) postgres implementation of = operator
float4ge(real, real) postgres implementation of >= operator
float4gt(real, real) postgres implementation of > operator
float4in(cstring) postgres I/O
float4larger(real, real) postgres larger of two
float4le(real, real) postgres implementation of <= operator
float4lt(real, real) postgres implementation of < operator
float4mi(real, real) postgres implementation of - operator
float4mul(real, real) postgres implementation of * operator
float4ne(real, real) postgres implementation of <> operator
float4out(real) postgres I/O
float4pl(real, real) postgres implementation of + operator
float4recv(internal) postgres I/O
float4send(real) postgres I/O
float4smaller(real, real) postgres smaller of two
float4um(real) postgres implementation of - operator
float4up(real) postgres implementation of + operator
float8(real) postgres convert float4 to float8
float8(integer) postgres convert int4 to float8
float8(numeric) postgres convert numeric to float8
float8(smallint) postgres convert int2 to float8
float8(bigint) postgres convert int8 to float8
float84div(double precision, real) postgres implementation of / operator
float84eq(double precision, real) postgres implementation of = operator
float84ge(double precision, real) postgres implementation of >= operator
float84gt(double precision, real) postgres implementation of > operator
float84le(double precision, real) postgres implementation of <= operator
float84lt(double precision, real) postgres implementation of < operator
float84mi(double precision, real) postgres implementation of - operator
float84mul(double precision, real) postgres implementation of * operator
float84ne(double precision, real) postgres implementation of <> operator
float84pl(double precision, real) postgres implementation of + operator
float8_accum(double precision[], double precision) postgres aggregate transition function
float8_avg(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_corr(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_covar_pop(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_covar_samp(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_regr_accum(double precision[], double precision, double precision) postgres aggregate transition function
float8_regr_avgx(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_regr_avgy(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_regr_intercept(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_regr_r2(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_regr_slope(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_regr_sxx(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_regr_sxy(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_regr_syy(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_stddev_pop(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_stddev_samp(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_var_pop(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8_var_samp(double precision[]) postgres aggregate final function
float8abs(double precision) postgres implementation of @ operator
float8div(double precision, double precision) postgres implementation of / operator
float8eq(double precision, double precision) postgres implementation of = operator
float8ge(double precision, double precision) postgres implementation of >= operator
float8gt(double precision, double precision) postgres implementation of > operator
float8in(cstring) postgres I/O
float8larger(double precision, double precision) postgres larger of two
float8le(double precision, double precision) postgres implementation of <= operator
float8lt(double precision, double precision) postgres implementation of < operator
float8mi(double precision, double precision) postgres implementation of - operator
float8mul(double precision, double precision) postgres implementation of * operator
float8ne(double precision, double precision) postgres implementation of <> operator
float8out(double precision) postgres I/O
float8pl(double precision, double precision) postgres implementation of + operator
float8recv(internal) postgres I/O
float8send(double precision) postgres I/O
float8smaller(double precision, double precision) postgres smaller of two
float8um(double precision) postgres implementation of - operator
float8up(double precision) postgres implementation of + operator
floor(numeric) postgres largest integer <= value
floor(double precision) postgres largest integer <= value
flt4_mul_cash(real, money) postgres implementation of * operator
flt8_mul_cash(double precision, money) postgres implementation of * operator
fmgr_c_validator(oid) postgres (internal)
fmgr_internal_validator(oid) postgres (internal)
fmgr_sql_validator(oid) postgres (internal)
format(text, "any") postgres format text message
format(text) postgres format text message
format_type(oid, integer) postgres format a type oid and atttypmod to canonical SQL
gb18030_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for GB18030 to UTF8
gbk_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for GBK to UTF8
generate_series(integer, integer, integer) postgres non-persistent series generator
generate_series(integer, integer) postgres non-persistent series generator
generate_series(bigint, bigint, bigint) postgres non-persistent series generator
generate_series(bigint, bigint) postgres non-persistent series generator
generate_series(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, interval) postgres non-persistent series generator
generate_series(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, interval) postgres non-persistent series generator
generate_subscripts(anyarray, integer, boolean) postgres array subscripts generator
generate_subscripts(anyarray, integer) postgres array subscripts generator
get_bit(bit, integer) postgres get bit
get_bit(bytea, integer) postgres get bit
get_byte(bytea, integer) postgres get byte
get_current_ts_config() postgres get current tsearch configuration
getdatabaseencoding() postgres encoding name of current database
getpgusername() postgres deprecated, use current_user instead
gin_cmp_prefix(text, text, smallint, internal) postgres GIN tsvector support
gin_cmp_tslexeme(text, text) postgres GIN tsvector support
gin_extract_tsquery(tsquery, internal, smallint, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres GIN tsvector support
gin_extract_tsquery(tsquery, internal, smallint, internal, internal) postgres GIN tsvector support (obsolete)
gin_extract_tsvector(tsvector, internal) postgres GIN tsvector support (obsolete)
gin_extract_tsvector(tsvector, internal, internal) postgres GIN tsvector support
gin_tsquery_consistent(internal, smallint, tsquery, integer, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres GIN tsvector support
gin_tsquery_consistent(internal, smallint, tsquery, integer, internal, internal) postgres GIN tsvector support (obsolete)
ginarrayconsistent(internal, smallint, anyarray, integer, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres GIN array support
ginarrayextract(anyarray, internal) postgres GIN array support (obsolete)
ginarrayextract(anyarray, internal, internal) postgres GIN array support
ginbeginscan(internal, internal, internal) postgres gin(internal)
ginbuild(internal, internal, internal) postgres gin(internal)
ginbuildempty(internal) postgres gin(internal)
ginbulkdelete(internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres gin(internal)
gincostestimate(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres gin(internal)
ginendscan(internal) postgres gin(internal)
gingetbitmap(internal, internal) postgres gin(internal)
gininsert(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres gin(internal)
ginmarkpos(internal) postgres gin(internal)
ginoptions(text[], boolean) postgres gin(internal)
ginqueryarrayextract(anyarray, internal, smallint, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres GIN array support
ginrescan(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres gin(internal)
ginrestrpos(internal) postgres gin(internal)
ginvacuumcleanup(internal, internal) postgres gin(internal)
gist_box_compress(internal) postgres GiST support
gist_box_consistent(internal, box, integer, oid, internal) postgres GiST support
gist_box_decompress(internal) postgres GiST support
gist_box_penalty(internal, internal, internal) postgres GiST support
gist_box_picksplit(internal, internal) postgres GiST support
gist_box_same(box, box, internal) postgres GiST support
gist_box_union(internal, internal) postgres GiST support
gist_circle_compress(internal) postgres GiST support
gist_circle_consistent(internal, circle, integer, oid, internal) postgres GiST support
gist_point_compress(internal) postgres GiST support
gist_point_consistent(internal, point, integer, oid, internal) postgres GiST support
gist_point_distance(internal, point, integer, oid) postgres GiST support
gist_poly_compress(internal) postgres GiST support
gist_poly_consistent(internal, polygon, integer, oid, internal) postgres GiST support
gistbeginscan(internal, internal, internal) postgres gist(internal)
gistbuild(internal, internal, internal) postgres gist(internal)
gistbuildempty(internal) postgres gist(internal)
gistbulkdelete(internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres gist(internal)
gistcostestimate(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres gist(internal)
gistendscan(internal) postgres gist(internal)
gistgetbitmap(internal, internal) postgres gist(internal)
gistgettuple(internal, internal) postgres gist(internal)
gistinsert(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres gist(internal)
gistmarkpos(internal) postgres gist(internal)
gistoptions(text[], boolean) postgres gist(internal)
gistrescan(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres gist(internal)
gistrestrpos(internal) postgres gist(internal)
gistvacuumcleanup(internal, internal) postgres gist(internal)
gtsquery_compress(internal) postgres GiST tsquery support
gtsquery_consistent(internal, internal, integer, oid, internal) postgres GiST tsquery support
gtsquery_decompress(internal) postgres GiST tsquery support
gtsquery_penalty(internal, internal, internal) postgres GiST tsquery support
gtsquery_picksplit(internal, internal) postgres GiST tsquery support
gtsquery_same(bigint, bigint, internal) postgres GiST tsquery support
gtsquery_union(internal, internal) postgres GiST tsquery support
gtsvector_compress(internal) postgres GiST tsvector support
gtsvector_consistent(internal, gtsvector, integer, oid, internal) postgres GiST tsvector support
gtsvector_decompress(internal) postgres GiST tsvector support
gtsvector_penalty(internal, internal, internal) postgres GiST tsvector support
gtsvector_picksplit(internal, internal) postgres GiST tsvector support
gtsvector_same(gtsvector, gtsvector, internal) postgres GiST tsvector support
gtsvector_union(internal, internal) postgres GiST tsvector support
gtsvectorin(cstring) postgres I/O
gtsvectorout(gtsvector) postgres I/O
has_any_column_privilege(name, text, text) postgres user privilege on any column by username, rel name
has_any_column_privilege(name, oid, text) postgres user privilege on any column by username, rel oid
has_any_column_privilege(oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on any column by user oid, rel name
has_any_column_privilege(oid, oid, text) postgres user privilege on any column by user oid, rel oid
has_any_column_privilege(text, text) postgres current user privilege on any column by rel name
has_any_column_privilege(oid, text) postgres current user privilege on any column by rel oid
has_column_privilege(name, text, text, text) postgres user privilege on column by username, rel name, col name
has_column_privilege(name, text, smallint, text) postgres user privilege on column by username, rel name, col attnum
has_column_privilege(name, oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on column by username, rel oid, col name
has_column_privilege(name, oid, smallint, text) postgres user privilege on column by username, rel oid, col attnum
has_column_privilege(oid, text, text, text) postgres user privilege on column by user oid, rel name, col name
has_column_privilege(oid, text, smallint, text) postgres user privilege on column by user oid, rel name, col attnum
has_column_privilege(oid, oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on column by user oid, rel oid, col name
has_column_privilege(oid, oid, smallint, text) postgres user privilege on column by user oid, rel oid, col attnum
has_column_privilege(text, text, text) postgres current user privilege on column by rel name, col name
has_column_privilege(text, smallint, text) postgres current user privilege on column by rel name, col attnum
has_column_privilege(oid, text, text) postgres current user privilege on column by rel oid, col name
has_column_privilege(oid, smallint, text) postgres current user privilege on column by rel oid, col attnum
has_database_privilege(oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on database by user oid, database name
has_database_privilege(oid, text) postgres current user privilege on database by database oid
has_database_privilege(text, text) postgres current user privilege on database by database name
has_database_privilege(name, text, text) postgres user privilege on database by username, database name
has_database_privilege(name, oid, text) postgres user privilege on database by username, database oid
has_database_privilege(oid, oid, text) postgres user privilege on database by user oid, database oid
has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege(name, text, text) postgres user privilege on foreign data wrapper by username, foreign data wrapper name
has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege(name, oid, text) postgres user privilege on foreign data wrapper by username, foreign data wrapper oid
has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege(oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on foreign data wrapper by user oid, foreign data wrapper name
has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege(text, text) postgres current user privilege on foreign data wrapper by foreign data wrapper name
has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege(oid, text) postgres current user privilege on foreign data wrapper by foreign data wrapper oid
has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege(oid, oid, text) postgres user privilege on foreign data wrapper by user oid, foreign data wrapper oid
has_function_privilege(text, text) postgres current user privilege on function by function name
has_function_privilege(oid, text) postgres current user privilege on function by function oid
has_function_privilege(oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on function by user oid, function name
has_function_privilege(name, oid, text) postgres user privilege on function by username, function oid
has_function_privilege(name, text, text) postgres user privilege on function by username, function name
has_function_privilege(oid, oid, text) postgres user privilege on function by user oid, function oid
has_language_privilege(oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on language by user oid, language name
has_language_privilege(oid, oid, text) postgres user privilege on language by user oid, language oid
has_language_privilege(text, text) postgres current user privilege on language by language name
has_language_privilege(name, text, text) postgres user privilege on language by username, language name
has_language_privilege(oid, text) postgres current user privilege on language by language oid
has_language_privilege(name, oid, text) postgres user privilege on language by username, language oid
has_schema_privilege(name, text, text) postgres user privilege on schema by username, schema name
has_schema_privilege(name, oid, text) postgres user privilege on schema by username, schema oid
has_schema_privilege(oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on schema by user oid, schema name
has_schema_privilege(text, text) postgres current user privilege on schema by schema name
has_schema_privilege(oid, oid, text) postgres user privilege on schema by user oid, schema oid
has_schema_privilege(oid, text) postgres current user privilege on schema by schema oid
has_sequence_privilege(name, text, text) postgres user privilege on sequence by username, seq name
has_sequence_privilege(name, oid, text) postgres user privilege on sequence by username, seq oid
has_sequence_privilege(oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on sequence by user oid, seq name
has_sequence_privilege(oid, oid, text) postgres user privilege on sequence by user oid, seq oid
has_sequence_privilege(text, text) postgres current user privilege on sequence by seq name
has_sequence_privilege(oid, text) postgres current user privilege on sequence by seq oid
has_server_privilege(oid, oid, text) postgres user privilege on server by user oid, server oid
has_server_privilege(name, text, text) postgres user privilege on server by username, server name
has_server_privilege(oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on server by user oid, server name
has_server_privilege(text, text) postgres current user privilege on server by server name
has_server_privilege(oid, text) postgres current user privilege on server by server oid
has_server_privilege(name, oid, text) postgres user privilege on server by username, server oid
has_table_privilege(name, text, text) postgres user privilege on relation by username, rel name
has_table_privilege(name, oid, text) postgres user privilege on relation by username, rel oid
has_table_privilege(oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on relation by user oid, rel name
has_table_privilege(oid, oid, text) postgres user privilege on relation by user oid, rel oid
has_table_privilege(oid, text) postgres current user privilege on relation by rel oid
has_table_privilege(text, text) postgres current user privilege on relation by rel name
has_tablespace_privilege(name, oid, text) postgres user privilege on tablespace by username, tablespace oid
has_tablespace_privilege(name, text, text) postgres user privilege on tablespace by username, tablespace name
has_tablespace_privilege(oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on tablespace by user oid, tablespace name
has_tablespace_privilege(oid, oid, text) postgres user privilege on tablespace by user oid, tablespace oid
has_tablespace_privilege(text, text) postgres current user privilege on tablespace by tablespace name
has_tablespace_privilege(oid, text) postgres current user privilege on tablespace by tablespace oid
has_type_privilege(oid, oid, text) postgres user privilege on type by user oid, type oid
has_type_privilege(name, text, text) postgres user privilege on type by username, type name
has_type_privilege(name, oid, text) postgres user privilege on type by username, type oid
has_type_privilege(oid, text, text) postgres user privilege on type by user oid, type name
has_type_privilege(text, text) postgres current user privilege on type by type name
has_type_privilege(oid, text) postgres current user privilege on type by type oid
hash_aclitem(aclitem) postgres hash
hash_array(anyarray) postgres hash
hash_numeric(numeric) postgres hash
hash_range(anyrange) postgres hash a range
hashbeginscan(internal, internal, internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashbpchar(character) postgres hash
hashbuild(internal, internal, internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashbuildempty(internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashbulkdelete(internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashchar("char") postgres hash
hashcostestimate(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashendscan(internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashenum(anyenum) postgres hash
hashfloat4(real) postgres hash
hashfloat8(double precision) postgres hash
hashgetbitmap(internal, internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashgettuple(internal, internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashinet(inet) postgres hash
hashinsert(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashint2(smallint) postgres hash
hashint2vector(int2vector) postgres hash
hashint4(integer) postgres hash
hashint8(bigint) postgres hash
hashmacaddr(macaddr) postgres hash
hashmarkpos(internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashname(name) postgres hash
hashoid(oid) postgres hash
hashoidvector(oidvector) postgres hash
hashoptions(text[], boolean) postgres hash(internal)
hashrescan(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashrestrpos(internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashtext(text) postgres hash
hashvacuumcleanup(internal, internal) postgres hash(internal)
hashvarlena(internal) postgres hash
height(box) postgres box height
host(inet) postgres show address octets only
hostmask(inet) postgres hostmask of address
iclikejoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of ILIKE
iclikesel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of ILIKE
icnlikejoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of NOT ILIKE
icnlikesel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of NOT ILIKE
icregexeqjoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of case-insensitive regex match
icregexeqsel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of case-insensitive regex match
icregexnejoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of case-insensitive regex non-match
icregexnesel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of case-insensitive regex non-match
inet_client_addr() postgres inet address of the client
inet_client_port() postgres client's port number for this connection
inet_in(cstring) postgres I/O
inet_out(inet) postgres I/O
inet_recv(internal) postgres I/O
inet_send(inet) postgres I/O
inet_server_addr() postgres inet address of the server
inet_server_port() postgres server's port number for this connection
inetand(inet, inet) postgres implementation of & operator
inetmi(inet, inet) postgres implementation of - operator
inetmi_int8(inet, bigint) postgres implementation of - operator
inetnot(inet) postgres implementation of ~ operator
inetor(inet, inet) postgres implementation of | operator
inetpl(inet, bigint) postgres implementation of + operator
initcap(text) postgres capitalize each word
int2(integer) postgres convert int4 to int2
int2(numeric) postgres convert numeric to int2
int2(double precision) postgres convert float8 to int2
int2(real) postgres convert float4 to int2
int2(bigint) postgres convert int8 to int2
int24div(smallint, integer) postgres implementation of / operator
int24eq(smallint, integer) postgres implementation of = operator
int24ge(smallint, integer) postgres implementation of >= operator
int24gt(smallint, integer) postgres implementation of > operator
int24le(smallint, integer) postgres implementation of <= operator
int24lt(smallint, integer) postgres implementation of < operator
int24mi(smallint, integer) postgres implementation of - operator
int24mul(smallint, integer) postgres implementation of * operator
int24ne(smallint, integer) postgres implementation of <> operator
int24pl(smallint, integer) postgres implementation of + operator
int28div(smallint, bigint) postgres implementation of / operator
int28eq(smallint, bigint) postgres implementation of = operator
int28ge(smallint, bigint) postgres implementation of >= operator
int28gt(smallint, bigint) postgres implementation of > operator
int28le(smallint, bigint) postgres implementation of <= operator
int28lt(smallint, bigint) postgres implementation of < operator
int28mi(smallint, bigint) postgres implementation of - operator
int28mul(smallint, bigint) postgres implementation of * operator
int28ne(smallint, bigint) postgres implementation of <> operator
int28pl(smallint, bigint) postgres implementation of + operator
int2_accum(numeric[], smallint) postgres aggregate transition function
int2_avg_accum(bigint[], smallint) postgres aggregate transition function
int2_mul_cash(smallint, money) postgres implementation of * operator
int2_sum(bigint, smallint) postgres aggregate transition function
int2abs(smallint) postgres implementation of @ operator
int2and(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of & operator
int2div(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of / operator
int2eq(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of = operator
int2ge(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of >= operator
int2gt(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of > operator
int2in(cstring) postgres I/O
int2larger(smallint, smallint) postgres larger of two
int2le(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of <= operator
int2lt(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of < operator
int2mi(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of - operator
int2mod(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of % operator
int2mul(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of * operator
int2ne(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of <> operator
int2not(smallint) postgres implementation of ~ operator
int2or(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of | operator
int2out(smallint) postgres I/O
int2pl(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of + operator
int2recv(internal) postgres I/O
int2send(smallint) postgres I/O
int2shl(smallint, integer) postgres implementation of << operator
int2shr(smallint, integer) postgres implementation of >> operator
int2smaller(smallint, smallint) postgres smaller of two
int2um(smallint) postgres implementation of - operator
int2up(smallint) postgres implementation of + operator
int2vectoreq(int2vector, int2vector) postgres implementation of = operator
int2vectorin(cstring) postgres I/O
int2vectorout(int2vector) postgres I/O
int2vectorrecv(internal) postgres I/O
int2vectorsend(int2vector) postgres I/O
int2xor(smallint, smallint) postgres implementation of # operator
int4(smallint) postgres convert int2 to int4
int4(double precision) postgres convert float8 to int4
int4(bit) postgres convert bitstring to int4
int4(real) postgres convert float4 to int4
int4(numeric) postgres convert numeric to int4
int4("char") postgres convert char to int4
int4(bigint) postgres convert int8 to int4
int4(boolean) postgres convert boolean to int4
int42div(integer, smallint) postgres implementation of / operator
int42eq(integer, smallint) postgres implementation of = operator
int42ge(integer, smallint) postgres implementation of >= operator
int42gt(integer, smallint) postgres implementation of > operator
int42le(integer, smallint) postgres implementation of <= operator
int42lt(integer, smallint) postgres implementation of < operator
int42mi(integer, smallint) postgres implementation of - operator
int42mul(integer, smallint) postgres implementation of * operator
int42ne(integer, smallint) postgres implementation of <> operator
int42pl(integer, smallint) postgres implementation of + operator
int48div(integer, bigint) postgres implementation of / operator
int48eq(integer, bigint) postgres implementation of = operator
int48ge(integer, bigint) postgres implementation of >= operator
int48gt(integer, bigint) postgres implementation of > operator
int48le(integer, bigint) postgres implementation of <= operator
int48lt(integer, bigint) postgres implementation of < operator
int48mi(integer, bigint) postgres implementation of - operator
int48mul(integer, bigint) postgres implementation of * operator
int48ne(integer, bigint) postgres implementation of <> operator
int48pl(integer, bigint) postgres implementation of + operator
int4_accum(numeric[], integer) postgres aggregate transition function
int4_avg_accum(bigint[], integer) postgres aggregate transition function
int4_mul_cash(integer, money) postgres implementation of * operator
int4_sum(bigint, integer) postgres aggregate transition function
int4abs(integer) postgres implementation of @ operator
int4and(integer, integer) postgres implementation of & operator
int4div(integer, integer) postgres implementation of / operator
int4eq(integer, integer) postgres implementation of = operator
int4ge(integer, integer) postgres implementation of >= operator
int4gt(integer, integer) postgres implementation of > operator
int4in(cstring) postgres I/O
int4inc(integer) postgres increment
int4larger(integer, integer) postgres larger of two
int4le(integer, integer) postgres implementation of <= operator
int4lt(integer, integer) postgres implementation of < operator
int4mi(integer, integer) postgres implementation of - operator
int4mod(integer, integer) postgres implementation of % operator
int4mul(integer, integer) postgres implementation of * operator
int4ne(integer, integer) postgres implementation of <> operator
int4not(integer) postgres implementation of ~ operator
int4or(integer, integer) postgres implementation of | operator
int4out(integer) postgres I/O
int4pl(integer, integer) postgres implementation of + operator
int4range(integer, integer, text) postgres int4range constructor
int4range(integer, integer) postgres int4range constructor
int4range_canonical(int4range) postgres convert an int4 range to canonical form
int4range_subdiff(integer, integer) postgres float8 difference of two int4 values
int4recv(internal) postgres I/O
int4send(integer) postgres I/O
int4shl(integer, integer) postgres implementation of << operator
int4shr(integer, integer) postgres implementation of >> operator
int4smaller(integer, integer) postgres smaller of two
int4um(integer) postgres implementation of - operator
int4up(integer) postgres implementation of + operator
int4xor(integer, integer) postgres implementation of # operator
int8(numeric) postgres convert numeric to int8
int8(oid) postgres convert oid to int8
int8(bit) postgres convert bitstring to int8
int8(integer) postgres convert int4 to int8
int8(double precision) postgres convert float8 to int8
int8(real) postgres convert float4 to int8
int8(smallint) postgres convert int2 to int8
int82div(bigint, smallint) postgres implementation of / operator
int82eq(bigint, smallint) postgres implementation of = operator
int82ge(bigint, smallint) postgres implementation of >= operator
int82gt(bigint, smallint) postgres implementation of > operator
int82le(bigint, smallint) postgres implementation of <= operator
int82lt(bigint, smallint) postgres implementation of < operator
int82mi(bigint, smallint) postgres implementation of - operator
int82mul(bigint, smallint) postgres implementation of * operator
int82ne(bigint, smallint) postgres implementation of <> operator
int82pl(bigint, smallint) postgres implementation of + operator
int84div(bigint, integer) postgres implementation of / operator
int84eq(bigint, integer) postgres implementation of = operator
int84ge(bigint, integer) postgres implementation of >= operator
int84gt(bigint, integer) postgres implementation of > operator
int84le(bigint, integer) postgres implementation of <= operator
int84lt(bigint, integer) postgres implementation of < operator
int84mi(bigint, integer) postgres implementation of - operator
int84mul(bigint, integer) postgres implementation of * operator
int84ne(bigint, integer) postgres implementation of <> operator
int84pl(bigint, integer) postgres implementation of + operator
int8_accum(numeric[], bigint) postgres aggregate transition function
int8_avg(bigint[]) postgres aggregate final function
int8_avg_accum(numeric[], bigint) postgres aggregate transition function
int8_sum(numeric, bigint) postgres aggregate transition function
int8abs(bigint) postgres implementation of @ operator
int8and(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of & operator
int8div(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of / operator
int8eq(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of = operator
int8ge(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of >= operator
int8gt(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of > operator
int8in(cstring) postgres I/O
int8inc(bigint) postgres increment
int8inc_any(bigint, "any") postgres increment, ignores second argument
int8inc_float8_float8(bigint, double precision, double precision) postgres aggregate transition function
int8larger(bigint, bigint) postgres larger of two
int8le(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of <= operator
int8lt(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of < operator
int8mi(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of - operator
int8mod(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of % operator
int8mul(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of * operator
int8ne(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of <> operator
int8not(bigint) postgres implementation of ~ operator
int8or(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of | operator
int8out(bigint) postgres I/O
int8pl(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of + operator
int8pl_inet(bigint, inet) postgres implementation of + operator
int8range(bigint, bigint, text) postgres int8range constructor
int8range(bigint, bigint) postgres int8range constructor
int8range_canonical(int8range) postgres convert an int8 range to canonical form
int8range_subdiff(bigint, bigint) postgres float8 difference of two int8 values
int8recv(internal) postgres I/O
int8send(bigint) postgres I/O
int8shl(bigint, integer) postgres implementation of << operator
int8shr(bigint, integer) postgres implementation of >> operator
int8smaller(bigint, bigint) postgres smaller of two
int8um(bigint) postgres implementation of - operator
int8up(bigint) postgres implementation of + operator
int8xor(bigint, bigint) postgres implementation of # operator
integer_pl_date(integer, date) postgres implementation of + operator
inter_lb(line, box) postgres implementation of ?# operator
inter_sb(lseg, box) postgres implementation of ?# operator
inter_sl(lseg, line) postgres implementation of ?# operator
internal_in(cstring) postgres I/O
internal_out(internal) postgres I/O
interval(reltime) postgres convert reltime to interval
interval(interval, integer) postgres adjust interval precision
interval(time without time zone) postgres convert time to interval
interval_accum(interval[], interval) postgres aggregate transition function
interval_avg(interval[]) postgres aggregate final function
interval_cmp(interval, interval) postgres less-equal-greater
interval_div(interval, double precision) postgres implementation of / operator
interval_eq(interval, interval) postgres implementation of = operator
interval_ge(interval, interval) postgres implementation of >= operator
interval_gt(interval, interval) postgres implementation of > operator
interval_hash(interval) postgres hash
interval_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
interval_larger(interval, interval) postgres larger of two
interval_le(interval, interval) postgres implementation of <= operator
interval_lt(interval, interval) postgres implementation of < operator
interval_mi(interval, interval) postgres implementation of - operator
interval_mul(interval, double precision) postgres implementation of * operator
interval_ne(interval, interval) postgres implementation of <> operator
interval_out(interval) postgres I/O
interval_pl(interval, interval) postgres implementation of + operator
interval_pl_date(interval, date) postgres implementation of + operator
interval_pl_time(interval, time without time zone) postgres implementation of + operator
interval_pl_timestamp(interval, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of + operator
interval_pl_timestamptz(interval, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of + operator
interval_pl_timetz(interval, time with time zone) postgres implementation of + operator
interval_recv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
interval_send(interval) postgres I/O
interval_smaller(interval, interval) postgres smaller of two
interval_transform(internal) postgres transform an interval length coercion
interval_um(interval) postgres implementation of - operator
intervaltypmodin(cstring[]) postgres I/O typmod
intervaltypmodout(integer) postgres I/O typmod
intinterval(abstime, tinterval) postgres implementation of <?> operator
isclosed(path) postgres path closed?
isempty(anyrange) postgres is the range empty?
isfinite(interval) postgres finite interval?
isfinite(timestamp with time zone) postgres finite timestamp?
isfinite(timestamp without time zone) postgres finite timestamp?
isfinite(date) postgres finite date?
isfinite(abstime) postgres finite abstime?
ishorizontal(point, point) postgres horizontally aligned
ishorizontal(lseg) postgres horizontal
ishorizontal(line) postgres horizontal
iso8859_1_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for LATIN1 to UTF8
iso8859_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for ISO-8859-8 to UTF8
iso_to_koi8r(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for ISO-8859-5 to KOI8R
iso_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for ISO-8859-5 to MULE_INTERNAL
iso_to_win1251(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for ISO-8859-5 to WIN1251
iso_to_win866(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for ISO-8859-5 to WIN866
isopen(path) postgres path open?
isparallel(lseg, lseg) postgres parallel
isparallel(line, line) postgres parallel
isperp(lseg, lseg) postgres perpendicular
isperp(line, line) postgres perpendicular
isvertical(point, point) postgres vertically aligned
isvertical(lseg) postgres vertical
isvertical(line) postgres vertical
johab_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for JOHAB to UTF8
json_in(cstring) postgres I/O
json_out(json) postgres I/O
json_recv(internal) postgres I/O
json_send(json) postgres I/O
justify_days(interval) postgres promote groups of 30 days to numbers of months
justify_hours(interval) postgres promote groups of 24 hours to numbers of days
justify_interval(interval) postgres promote groups of 24 hours to numbers of days and promote groups of 30 days to numbers of months
koi8r_to_iso(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for KOI8R to ISO-8859-5
koi8r_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for KOI8R to MULE_INTERNAL
koi8r_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for KOI8R to UTF8
koi8r_to_win1251(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for KOI8R to WIN1251
koi8r_to_win866(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for KOI8R to WIN866
koi8u_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for KOI8U to UTF8
lag(anyelement) postgres fetch the preceding row value
lag(anyelement, integer) postgres fetch the Nth preceding row value
lag(anyelement, integer, anyelement) postgres fetch the Nth preceding row value with default
language_handler_in(cstring) postgres I/O
language_handler_out(language_handler) postgres I/O
last_value(anyelement) postgres fetch the last row value
lastval() postgres current value from last used sequence
latin1_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for LATIN1 to MULE_INTERNAL
latin2_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for LATIN2 to MULE_INTERNAL
latin2_to_win1250(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for LATIN2 to WIN1250
latin3_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for LATIN3 to MULE_INTERNAL
latin4_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for LATIN4 to MULE_INTERNAL
lead(anyelement, integer) postgres fetch the Nth following row value
lead(anyelement) postgres fetch the following row value
lead(anyelement, integer, anyelement) postgres fetch the Nth following row value with default
left(text, integer) postgres extract the first n characters
length(bit) postgres bitstring length
length(tsvector) postgres number of lexemes
length(bytea) postgres octet length
length(text) postgres length
length(character) postgres character length
length(lseg) postgres distance between endpoints
length(path) postgres sum of path segments
length(bytea, name) postgres length of string in specified encoding
like(text, text) postgres matches LIKE expression
like(bytea, bytea) postgres matches LIKE expression
like(name, text) postgres matches LIKE expression
like_escape(bytea, bytea) postgres convert LIKE pattern to use backslash escapes
like_escape(text, text) postgres convert LIKE pattern to use backslash escapes
likejoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of LIKE
likesel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of LIKE
line(point, point) postgres construct line from points
line_distance(line, line) postgres implementation of <-> operator
line_eq(line, line) postgres implementation of = operator
line_horizontal(line) postgres implementation of ?- operator
line_in(cstring) postgres I/O
line_interpt(line, line) postgres implementation of # operator
line_intersect(line, line) postgres implementation of ?# operator
line_out(line) postgres I/O
line_parallel(line, line) postgres implementation of ?|| operator
line_perp(line, line) postgres implementation of ?-| operator
line_recv(internal) postgres I/O
line_send(line) postgres I/O
line_vertical(line) postgres implementation of ?| operator
ln(numeric) postgres natural logarithm
ln(double precision) postgres natural logarithm
lo_close(integer) postgres large object close
lo_creat(integer) postgres large object create
lo_create(oid) postgres large object create
lo_export(oid, text) postgres large object export
lo_import(text, oid) postgres large object import
lo_import(text) postgres large object import
lo_lseek(integer, integer, integer) postgres large object seek
lo_open(oid, integer) postgres large object open
lo_tell(integer) postgres large object position
lo_truncate(integer, integer) postgres truncate large object
lo_unlink(oid) postgres large object unlink (delete)
log(numeric, numeric) postgres logarithm base m of n
log(numeric) postgres base 10 logarithm
log(double precision) postgres base 10 logarithm
loread(integer, integer) postgres large object read
lower(anyrange) postgres lower bound of range
lower(text) postgres lowercase
lower_inc(anyrange) postgres is the range's lower bound inclusive?
lower_inf(anyrange) postgres is the range's lower bound infinite?
lowrite(integer, bytea) postgres large object write
lpad(text, integer, text) postgres left-pad string to length
lpad(text, integer) postgres left-pad string to length
lseg(point, point) postgres convert points to line segment
lseg(box) postgres diagonal of
lseg_center(lseg) postgres implementation of @@ operator
lseg_distance(lseg, lseg) postgres implementation of <-> operator
lseg_eq(lseg, lseg) postgres implementation of = operator
lseg_ge(lseg, lseg) postgres implementation of >= operator
lseg_gt(lseg, lseg) postgres implementation of > operator
lseg_horizontal(lseg) postgres implementation of ?- operator
lseg_in(cstring) postgres I/O
lseg_interpt(lseg, lseg) postgres implementation of # operator
lseg_intersect(lseg, lseg) postgres implementation of ?# operator
lseg_le(lseg, lseg) postgres implementation of <= operator
lseg_length(lseg) postgres implementation of @-@ operator
lseg_lt(lseg, lseg) postgres implementation of < operator
lseg_ne(lseg, lseg) postgres implementation of <> operator
lseg_out(lseg) postgres I/O
lseg_parallel(lseg, lseg) postgres implementation of ?|| operator
lseg_perp(lseg, lseg) postgres implementation of ?-| operator
lseg_recv(internal) postgres I/O
lseg_send(lseg) postgres I/O
lseg_vertical(lseg) postgres implementation of ?| operator
ltrim(text, text) postgres trim selected characters from left end of string
ltrim(text) postgres trim spaces from left end of string
macaddr_and(macaddr, macaddr) postgres implementation of & operator
macaddr_cmp(macaddr, macaddr) postgres less-equal-greater
macaddr_eq(macaddr, macaddr) postgres implementation of = operator
macaddr_ge(macaddr, macaddr) postgres implementation of >= operator
macaddr_gt(macaddr, macaddr) postgres implementation of > operator
macaddr_in(cstring) postgres I/O
macaddr_le(macaddr, macaddr) postgres implementation of <= operator
macaddr_lt(macaddr, macaddr) postgres implementation of < operator
macaddr_ne(macaddr, macaddr) postgres implementation of <> operator
macaddr_not(macaddr) postgres implementation of ~ operator
macaddr_or(macaddr, macaddr) postgres implementation of | operator
macaddr_out(macaddr) postgres I/O
macaddr_recv(internal) postgres I/O
macaddr_send(macaddr) postgres I/O
makeaclitem(oid, oid, text, boolean) postgres make ACL item
masklen(inet) postgres netmask length
md5(text) postgres MD5 hash
md5(bytea) postgres MD5 hash
mic_to_ascii(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to SQL_ASCII
mic_to_big5(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to BIG5
mic_to_euc_cn(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to EUC_CN
mic_to_euc_jp(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to EUC_JP
mic_to_euc_kr(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to EUC_KR
mic_to_euc_tw(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to EUC_TW
mic_to_iso(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to ISO-8859-5
mic_to_koi8r(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to KOI8R
mic_to_latin1(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to LATIN1
mic_to_latin2(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to LATIN2
mic_to_latin3(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to LATIN3
mic_to_latin4(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to LATIN4
mic_to_sjis(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to SJIS
mic_to_win1250(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to WIN1250
mic_to_win1251(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to WIN1251
mic_to_win866(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for MULE_INTERNAL to WIN866
mktinterval(abstime, abstime) postgres implementation of <#> operator
mod(smallint, smallint) postgres modulus
mod(integer, integer) postgres modulus
mod(bigint, bigint) postgres modulus
mod(numeric, numeric) postgres modulus
money(numeric) postgres convert numeric to money
money(integer) postgres convert int4 to money
money(bigint) postgres convert int8 to money
mul_d_interval(double precision, interval) postgres implementation of * operator
name(text) postgres convert text to name
name(character varying) postgres convert varchar to name
name(character) postgres convert char(n) to name
nameeq(name, name) postgres implementation of = operator
namege(name, name) postgres implementation of >= operator
namegt(name, name) postgres implementation of > operator
nameiclike(name, text) postgres implementation of ~~* operator
nameicnlike(name, text) postgres implementation of !~~* operator
nameicregexeq(name, text) postgres implementation of ~* operator
nameicregexne(name, text) postgres implementation of !~* operator
namein(cstring) postgres I/O
namele(name, name) postgres implementation of <= operator
namelike(name, text) postgres implementation of ~~ operator
namelt(name, name) postgres implementation of < operator
namene(name, name) postgres implementation of <> operator
namenlike(name, text) postgres implementation of !~~ operator
nameout(name) postgres I/O
namerecv(internal) postgres I/O
nameregexeq(name, text) postgres implementation of ~ operator
nameregexne(name, text) postgres implementation of !~ operator
namesend(name) postgres I/O
neqjoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of <> and related operators
neqsel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of <> and related operators
netmask(inet) postgres netmask of address
network(inet) postgres network part of address
network_cmp(inet, inet) postgres less-equal-greater
network_eq(inet, inet) postgres implementation of = operator
network_ge(inet, inet) postgres implementation of >= operator
network_gt(inet, inet) postgres implementation of > operator
network_le(inet, inet) postgres implementation of <= operator
network_lt(inet, inet) postgres implementation of < operator
network_ne(inet, inet) postgres implementation of <> operator
network_sub(inet, inet) postgres implementation of << operator
network_subeq(inet, inet) postgres implementation of <<= operator
network_sup(inet, inet) postgres implementation of >> operator
network_supeq(inet, inet) postgres implementation of >>= operator
nextval(regclass) postgres sequence next value
nlikejoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of NOT LIKE
nlikesel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of NOT LIKE
notlike(name, text) postgres does not match LIKE expression
notlike(text, text) postgres does not match LIKE expression
notlike(bytea, bytea) postgres does not match LIKE expression
now() postgres current transaction time
npoints(polygon) postgres number of points
npoints(path) postgres number of points
nth_value(anyelement, integer) postgres fetch the Nth row value
ntile(integer) postgres split rows into N groups
numeric(money) postgres convert money to numeric
numeric(numeric, integer) postgres adjust numeric to typmod precision/scale
numeric(integer) postgres convert int4 to numeric
numeric(real) postgres convert float4 to numeric
numeric(double precision) postgres convert float8 to numeric
numeric(bigint) postgres convert int8 to numeric
numeric(smallint) postgres convert int2 to numeric
numeric_abs(numeric) postgres implementation of @ operator
numeric_accum(numeric[], numeric) postgres aggregate transition function
numeric_add(numeric, numeric) postgres implementation of + operator
numeric_avg(numeric[]) postgres aggregate final function
numeric_avg_accum(numeric[], numeric) postgres aggregate transition function
numeric_cmp(numeric, numeric) postgres less-equal-greater
numeric_div(numeric, numeric) postgres implementation of / operator
numeric_div_trunc(numeric, numeric) postgres trunc(x/y)
numeric_eq(numeric, numeric) postgres implementation of = operator
numeric_exp(numeric) postgres natural exponential (e^x)
numeric_fac(bigint) postgres implementation of ! operator
numeric_ge(numeric, numeric) postgres implementation of >= operator
numeric_gt(numeric, numeric) postgres implementation of > operator
numeric_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
numeric_inc(numeric) postgres increment by one
numeric_larger(numeric, numeric) postgres larger of two
numeric_le(numeric, numeric) postgres implementation of <= operator
numeric_ln(numeric) postgres natural logarithm
numeric_log(numeric, numeric) postgres logarithm base m of n
numeric_lt(numeric, numeric) postgres implementation of < operator
numeric_mod(numeric, numeric) postgres implementation of % operator
numeric_mul(numeric, numeric) postgres implementation of * operator
numeric_ne(numeric, numeric) postgres implementation of <> operator
numeric_out(numeric) postgres I/O
numeric_power(numeric, numeric) postgres implementation of ^ operator
numeric_recv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
numeric_send(numeric) postgres I/O
numeric_smaller(numeric, numeric) postgres smaller of two
numeric_sqrt(numeric) postgres square root
numeric_stddev_pop(numeric[]) postgres aggregate final function
numeric_stddev_samp(numeric[]) postgres aggregate final function
numeric_sub(numeric, numeric) postgres implementation of - operator
numeric_transform(internal) postgres transform a numeric length coercion
numeric_uminus(numeric) postgres implementation of - operator
numeric_uplus(numeric) postgres implementation of + operator
numeric_var_pop(numeric[]) postgres aggregate final function
numeric_var_samp(numeric[]) postgres aggregate final function
numerictypmodin(cstring[]) postgres I/O typmod
numerictypmodout(integer) postgres I/O typmod
numnode(tsquery) postgres number of nodes
numrange(numeric, numeric, text) postgres numrange constructor
numrange(numeric, numeric) postgres numrange constructor
numrange_subdiff(numeric, numeric) postgres float8 difference of two numeric values
obj_description(oid, name) postgres get description for object id and catalog name
obj_description(oid) postgres deprecated, use two-argument form instead
octet_length(bit) postgres octet length
octet_length(character) postgres octet length
octet_length(text) postgres octet length
octet_length(bytea) postgres octet length
oid(bigint) postgres convert int8 to oid
oideq(oid, oid) postgres implementation of = operator
oidge(oid, oid) postgres implementation of >= operator
oidgt(oid, oid) postgres implementation of > operator
oidin(cstring) postgres I/O
oidlarger(oid, oid) postgres larger of two
oidle(oid, oid) postgres implementation of <= operator
oidlt(oid, oid) postgres implementation of < operator
oidne(oid, oid) postgres implementation of <> operator
oidout(oid) postgres I/O
oidrecv(internal) postgres I/O
oidsend(oid) postgres I/O
oidsmaller(oid, oid) postgres smaller of two
oidvectoreq(oidvector, oidvector) postgres implementation of = operator
oidvectorge(oidvector, oidvector) postgres implementation of >= operator
oidvectorgt(oidvector, oidvector) postgres implementation of > operator
oidvectorin(cstring) postgres I/O
oidvectorle(oidvector, oidvector) postgres implementation of <= operator
oidvectorlt(oidvector, oidvector) postgres implementation of < operator
oidvectorne(oidvector, oidvector) postgres implementation of <> operator
oidvectorout(oidvector) postgres I/O
oidvectorrecv(internal) postgres I/O
oidvectorsend(oidvector) postgres I/O
oidvectortypes(oidvector) postgres print type names of oidvector field
on_pb(point, box) postgres implementation of <@ operator
on_pl(point, line) postgres implementation of <@ operator
on_ppath(point, path) postgres implementation of <@ operator
on_ps(point, lseg) postgres implementation of <@ operator
on_sb(lseg, box) postgres implementation of <@ operator
on_sl(lseg, line) postgres implementation of <@ operator
opaque_in(cstring) postgres I/O
opaque_out(opaque) postgres I/O
overlaps(timestamp without time zone, interval, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres intervals overlap?
overlaps(timestamp without time zone, interval, timestamp without time zone, interval) postgres intervals overlap?
overlaps(time with time zone, time with time zone, time with time zone, time with time zone) postgres intervals overlap?
overlaps(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres intervals overlap?
overlaps(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, interval) postgres intervals overlap?
overlaps(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres intervals overlap?
overlaps(timestamp with time zone, interval, timestamp with time zone, interval) postgres intervals overlap?
overlaps(timestamp with time zone, interval, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres intervals overlap?
overlaps(time without time zone, time without time zone, time without time zone, time without time zone) postgres intervals overlap?
overlaps(time without time zone, interval, time without time zone, interval) postgres intervals overlap?
overlaps(time without time zone, time without time zone, time without time zone, interval) postgres intervals overlap?
overlaps(time without time zone, interval, time without time zone, time without time zone) postgres intervals overlap?
overlaps(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, interval) postgres intervals overlap?
overlay(bit, bit, integer, integer) postgres substitute portion of bitstring
overlay(bit, bit, integer) postgres substitute portion of bitstring
overlay(text, text, integer, integer) postgres substitute portion of string
overlay(text, text, integer) postgres substitute portion of string
overlay(bytea, bytea, integer, integer) postgres substitute portion of string
overlay(bytea, bytea, integer) postgres substitute portion of string
path(polygon) postgres convert polygon to path
path_add(path, path) postgres implementation of + operator
path_add_pt(path, point) postgres implementation of + operator
path_center(path) postgres implementation of @@ operator
path_contain_pt(path, point) postgres implementation of @> operator
path_distance(path, path) postgres implementation of <-> operator
path_div_pt(path, point) postgres implementation of / operator
path_in(cstring) postgres I/O
path_inter(path, path) postgres implementation of ?# operator
path_length(path) postgres implementation of @-@ operator
path_mul_pt(path, point) postgres implementation of * operator
path_n_eq(path, path) postgres implementation of = operator
path_n_ge(path, path) postgres implementation of >= operator
path_n_gt(path, path) postgres implementation of > operator
path_n_le(path, path) postgres implementation of <= operator
path_n_lt(path, path) postgres implementation of < operator
path_npoints(path) postgres implementation of # operator
path_out(path) postgres I/O
path_recv(internal) postgres I/O
path_send(path) postgres I/O
path_sub_pt(path, point) postgres implementation of - operator
pclose(path) postgres close path
percent_rank() postgres fractional rank within partition
pg_advisory_lock(bigint) postgres obtain exclusive advisory lock
pg_advisory_lock(integer, integer) postgres obtain exclusive advisory lock
pg_advisory_lock_shared(bigint) postgres obtain shared advisory lock
pg_advisory_lock_shared(integer, integer) postgres obtain shared advisory lock
pg_advisory_unlock(integer, integer) postgres release exclusive advisory lock
pg_advisory_unlock(bigint) postgres release exclusive advisory lock
pg_advisory_unlock_all() postgres release all advisory locks
pg_advisory_unlock_shared(bigint) postgres release shared advisory lock
pg_advisory_unlock_shared(integer, integer) postgres release shared advisory lock
pg_advisory_xact_lock(bigint) postgres obtain exclusive advisory lock
pg_advisory_xact_lock(integer, integer) postgres obtain exclusive advisory lock
pg_advisory_xact_lock_shared(bigint) postgres obtain shared advisory lock
pg_advisory_xact_lock_shared(integer, integer) postgres obtain shared advisory lock
pg_available_extension_versions() postgres list available extension versions
pg_available_extensions() postgres list available extensions
pg_backend_pid() postgres statistics: current backend PID
pg_cancel_backend(integer) postgres cancel a server process' current query
pg_char_to_encoding(name) postgres convert encoding name to encoding id
pg_client_encoding() postgres encoding name of current database
pg_collation_for("any") postgres collation of the argument; implementation of the COLLATION FOR expression
pg_collation_is_visible(oid) postgres is collation visible in search path?
pg_column_size("any") postgres bytes required to store the value, perhaps with compression
pg_conf_load_time() postgres configuration load time
pg_conversion_is_visible(oid) postgres is conversion visible in search path?
pg_create_restore_point(text) postgres create a named restore point
pg_current_xlog_insert_location() postgres current xlog insert location
pg_current_xlog_location() postgres current xlog write location
pg_cursor() postgres get the open cursors for this session
pg_database_size(oid) postgres total disk space usage for the specified database
pg_database_size(name) postgres total disk space usage for the specified database
pg_describe_object(oid, oid, integer) postgres get identification of SQL object
pg_encoding_max_length(integer) postgres maximum octet length of a character in given encoding
pg_encoding_to_char(integer) postgres convert encoding id to encoding name
pg_export_snapshot() postgres export a snapshot
pg_extension_config_dump(regclass, text) postgres flag an extension's table contents to be emitted by pg_dump
pg_extension_update_paths(name) postgres list an extension's version update paths
pg_function_is_visible(oid) postgres is function visible in search path?
pg_get_constraintdef(oid) postgres constraint description
pg_get_constraintdef(oid, boolean) postgres constraint description with pretty-print option
pg_get_expr(pg_node_tree, oid) postgres deparse an encoded expression
pg_get_expr(pg_node_tree, oid, boolean) postgres deparse an encoded expression with pretty-print option
pg_get_function_arguments(oid) postgres argument list of a function
pg_get_function_identity_arguments(oid) postgres identity argument list of a function
pg_get_function_result(oid) postgres result type of a function
pg_get_functiondef(oid) postgres definition of a function
pg_get_indexdef(oid) postgres index description
pg_get_indexdef(oid, integer, boolean) postgres index description (full create statement or single expression) with pretty-print option
pg_get_keywords() postgres list of SQL keywords
pg_get_ruledef(oid) postgres source text of a rule
pg_get_ruledef(oid, boolean) postgres source text of a rule with pretty-print option
pg_get_serial_sequence(text, text) postgres name of sequence for a serial column
pg_get_triggerdef(oid) postgres trigger description
pg_get_triggerdef(oid, boolean) postgres trigger description with pretty-print option
pg_get_userbyid(oid) postgres role name by OID (with fallback)
pg_get_viewdef(text) postgres select statement of a view
pg_get_viewdef(oid, integer) postgres select statement of a view with pretty-printing and specified line wrapping
pg_get_viewdef(oid) postgres select statement of a view
pg_get_viewdef(text, boolean) postgres select statement of a view with pretty-print option
pg_get_viewdef(oid, boolean) postgres select statement of a view with pretty-print option
pg_has_role(name, name, text) postgres user privilege on role by username, role name
pg_has_role(name, oid, text) postgres user privilege on role by username, role oid
pg_has_role(oid, text) postgres current user privilege on role by role oid
pg_has_role(oid, name, text) postgres user privilege on role by user oid, role name
pg_has_role(name, text) postgres current user privilege on role by role name
pg_has_role(oid, oid, text) postgres user privilege on role by user oid, role oid
pg_indexes_size(regclass) postgres disk space usage for all indexes attached to the specified table
pg_is_in_recovery() postgres true if server is in recovery
pg_is_other_temp_schema(oid) postgres is schema another session's temp schema?
pg_is_xlog_replay_paused() postgres true if xlog replay is paused
pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp() postgres timestamp of last replay xact
pg_last_xlog_receive_location() postgres current xlog flush location
pg_last_xlog_replay_location() postgres last xlog replay location
pg_listening_channels() postgres get the channels that the current backend listens to
pg_lock_status() postgres view system lock information
pg_ls_dir(text) postgres list all files in a directory
pg_my_temp_schema() postgres get OID of current session's temp schema, if any
pg_node_tree_in(cstring) postgres I/O
pg_node_tree_out(pg_node_tree) postgres I/O
pg_node_tree_recv(internal) postgres I/O
pg_node_tree_send(pg_node_tree) postgres I/O
pg_notify(text, text) postgres send a notification event
pg_opclass_is_visible(oid) postgres is opclass visible in search path?
pg_operator_is_visible(oid) postgres is operator visible in search path?
pg_opfamily_is_visible(oid) postgres is opfamily visible in search path?
pg_options_to_table(text[]) postgres convert generic options array to name/value table
pg_postmaster_start_time() postgres postmaster start time
pg_prepared_statement() postgres get the prepared statements for this session
pg_prepared_xact() postgres view two-phase transactions
pg_read_binary_file(text) postgres read bytea from a file
pg_read_binary_file(text, bigint, bigint) postgres read bytea from a file
pg_read_file(text, bigint, bigint) postgres read text from a file
pg_read_file(text) postgres read text from a file
pg_relation_filenode(regclass) postgres filenode identifier of relation
pg_relation_filepath(regclass) postgres file path of relation
pg_relation_size(regclass) postgres disk space usage for the main fork of the specified table or index
pg_relation_size(regclass, text) postgres disk space usage for the specified fork of a table or index
pg_reload_conf() postgres reload configuration files
pg_rotate_logfile() postgres rotate log file
pg_sequence_parameters(integer) postgres sequence parameters, for use by information schema
pg_show_all_settings() postgres SHOW ALL as a function
pg_size_pretty(bigint) postgres convert a long int to a human readable text using size units
pg_size_pretty(numeric) postgres convert a numeric to a human readable text using size units
pg_sleep(double precision) postgres sleep for the specified time in seconds
pg_start_backup(text, boolean) postgres prepare for taking an online backup
pg_stat_clear_snapshot() postgres statistics: discard current transaction's statistics snapshot
pg_stat_file(text) postgres get information about file
pg_stat_get_activity(integer) postgres statistics: information about currently active backends
pg_stat_get_analyze_count(oid) postgres statistics: number of manual analyzes for a table
pg_stat_get_autoanalyze_count(oid) postgres statistics: number of auto analyzes for a table
pg_stat_get_autovacuum_count(oid) postgres statistics: number of auto vacuums for a table
pg_stat_get_backend_activity(integer) postgres statistics: current query of backend
pg_stat_get_backend_activity_start(integer) postgres statistics: start time for current query of backend
pg_stat_get_backend_client_addr(integer) postgres statistics: address of client connected to backend
pg_stat_get_backend_client_port(integer) postgres statistics: port number of client connected to backend
pg_stat_get_backend_dbid(integer) postgres statistics: database ID of backend
pg_stat_get_backend_idset() postgres statistics: currently active backend IDs
pg_stat_get_backend_pid(integer) postgres statistics: PID of backend
pg_stat_get_backend_start(integer) postgres statistics: start time for current backend session
pg_stat_get_backend_userid(integer) postgres statistics: user ID of backend
pg_stat_get_backend_waiting(integer) postgres statistics: is backend currently waiting for a lock
pg_stat_get_backend_xact_start(integer) postgres statistics: start time for backend's current transaction
pg_stat_get_bgwriter_buf_written_checkpoints() postgres statistics: number of buffers written by the bgwriter during checkpoints
pg_stat_get_bgwriter_buf_written_clean() postgres statistics: number of buffers written by the bgwriter for cleaning dirty buffers
pg_stat_get_bgwriter_maxwritten_clean() postgres statistics: number of times the bgwriter stopped processing when it had written too many buffers while cleaning
pg_stat_get_bgwriter_requested_checkpoints() postgres statistics: number of backend requested checkpoints started by the bgwriter
pg_stat_get_bgwriter_stat_reset_time() postgres statistics: last reset for the bgwriter
pg_stat_get_bgwriter_timed_checkpoints() postgres statistics: number of timed checkpoints started by the bgwriter
pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(oid) postgres statistics: number of blocks fetched
pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(oid) postgres statistics: number of blocks found in cache
pg_stat_get_buf_alloc() postgres statistics: number of buffer allocations
pg_stat_get_buf_fsync_backend() postgres statistics: number of backend buffer writes that did their own fsync
pg_stat_get_buf_written_backend() postgres statistics: number of buffers written by backends
pg_stat_get_checkpoint_sync_time() postgres statistics: checkpoint time spent synchronizing buffers to disk, in msec
pg_stat_get_checkpoint_write_time() postgres statistics: checkpoint time spent writing buffers to disk, in msec
pg_stat_get_db_blk_read_time(oid) postgres statistics: block read time, in msec
pg_stat_get_db_blk_write_time(oid) postgres statistics: block write time, in msec
pg_stat_get_db_blocks_fetched(oid) postgres statistics: blocks fetched for database
pg_stat_get_db_blocks_hit(oid) postgres statistics: blocks found in cache for database
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_all(oid) postgres statistics: recovery conflicts in database
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_bufferpin(oid) postgres statistics: recovery conflicts in database caused by shared buffer pin
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_lock(oid) postgres statistics: recovery conflicts in database caused by relation lock
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_snapshot(oid) postgres statistics: recovery conflicts in database caused by snapshot expiry
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_startup_deadlock(oid) postgres statistics: recovery conflicts in database caused by buffer deadlock
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_tablespace(oid) postgres statistics: recovery conflicts in database caused by drop tablespace
pg_stat_get_db_deadlocks(oid) postgres statistics: deadlocks detected in database
pg_stat_get_db_numbackends(oid) postgres statistics: number of backends in database
pg_stat_get_db_stat_reset_time(oid) postgres statistics: last reset for a database
pg_stat_get_db_temp_bytes(oid) postgres statistics: number of bytes in temporary files written
pg_stat_get_db_temp_files(oid) postgres statistics: number of temporary files written
pg_stat_get_db_tuples_deleted(oid) postgres statistics: tuples deleted in database
pg_stat_get_db_tuples_fetched(oid) postgres statistics: tuples fetched for database
pg_stat_get_db_tuples_inserted(oid) postgres statistics: tuples inserted in database
pg_stat_get_db_tuples_returned(oid) postgres statistics: tuples returned for database
pg_stat_get_db_tuples_updated(oid) postgres statistics: tuples updated in database
pg_stat_get_db_xact_commit(oid) postgres statistics: transactions committed
pg_stat_get_db_xact_rollback(oid) postgres statistics: transactions rolled back
pg_stat_get_dead_tuples(oid) postgres statistics: number of dead tuples
pg_stat_get_function_calls(oid) postgres statistics: number of function calls
pg_stat_get_function_self_time(oid) postgres statistics: self execution time of function, in msec
pg_stat_get_function_total_time(oid) postgres statistics: total execution time of function, in msec
pg_stat_get_last_analyze_time(oid) postgres statistics: last manual analyze time for a table
pg_stat_get_last_autoanalyze_time(oid) postgres statistics: last auto analyze time for a table
pg_stat_get_last_autovacuum_time(oid) postgres statistics: last auto vacuum time for a table
pg_stat_get_last_vacuum_time(oid) postgres statistics: last manual vacuum time for a table
pg_stat_get_live_tuples(oid) postgres statistics: number of live tuples
pg_stat_get_numscans(oid) postgres statistics: number of scans done for table/index
pg_stat_get_tuples_deleted(oid) postgres statistics: number of tuples deleted
pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(oid) postgres statistics: number of tuples fetched by idxscan
pg_stat_get_tuples_hot_updated(oid) postgres statistics: number of tuples hot updated
pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(oid) postgres statistics: number of tuples inserted
pg_stat_get_tuples_returned(oid) postgres statistics: number of tuples read by seqscan
pg_stat_get_tuples_updated(oid) postgres statistics: number of tuples updated
pg_stat_get_vacuum_count(oid) postgres statistics: number of manual vacuums for a table
pg_stat_get_wal_senders() postgres statistics: information about currently active replication
pg_stat_get_xact_blocks_fetched(oid) postgres statistics: number of blocks fetched in current transaction
pg_stat_get_xact_blocks_hit(oid) postgres statistics: number of blocks found in cache in current transaction
pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(oid) postgres statistics: number of function calls in current transaction
pg_stat_get_xact_function_self_time(oid) postgres statistics: self execution time of function in current transaction, in msec
pg_stat_get_xact_function_total_time(oid) postgres statistics: total execution time of function in current transaction, in msec
pg_stat_get_xact_numscans(oid) postgres statistics: number of scans done for table/index in current transaction
pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_deleted(oid) postgres statistics: number of tuples deleted in current transaction
pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_fetched(oid) postgres statistics: number of tuples fetched by idxscan in current transaction
pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_hot_updated(oid) postgres statistics: number of tuples hot updated in current transaction
pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(oid) postgres statistics: number of tuples inserted in current transaction
pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_returned(oid) postgres statistics: number of tuples read by seqscan in current transaction
pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_updated(oid) postgres statistics: number of tuples updated in current transaction
pg_stat_reset() postgres statistics: reset collected statistics for current database
pg_stat_reset_shared(text) postgres statistics: reset collected statistics shared across the cluster
pg_stat_reset_single_function_counters(oid) postgres statistics: reset collected statistics for a single function in the current database
pg_stat_reset_single_table_counters(oid) postgres statistics: reset collected statistics for a single table or index in the current database
pg_stop_backup() postgres finish taking an online backup
pg_switch_xlog() postgres switch to new xlog file
pg_table_is_visible(oid) postgres is table visible in search path?
pg_table_size(regclass) postgres disk space usage for the specified table, including TOAST, free space and visibility map
pg_tablespace_databases(oid) postgres get OIDs of databases in a tablespace
pg_tablespace_location(oid) postgres tablespace location
pg_tablespace_size(name) postgres total disk space usage for the specified tablespace
pg_tablespace_size(oid) postgres total disk space usage for the specified tablespace
pg_terminate_backend(integer) postgres terminate a server process
pg_timezone_abbrevs() postgres get the available time zone abbreviations
pg_timezone_names() postgres get the available time zone names
pg_total_relation_size(regclass) postgres total disk space usage for the specified table and associated indexes
pg_trigger_depth() postgres current trigger depth
pg_try_advisory_lock(integer, integer) postgres obtain exclusive advisory lock if available
pg_try_advisory_lock(bigint) postgres obtain exclusive advisory lock if available
pg_try_advisory_lock_shared(bigint) postgres obtain shared advisory lock if available
pg_try_advisory_lock_shared(integer, integer) postgres obtain shared advisory lock if available
pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(bigint) postgres obtain exclusive advisory lock if available
pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(integer, integer) postgres obtain exclusive advisory lock if available
pg_try_advisory_xact_lock_shared(integer, integer) postgres obtain shared advisory lock if available
pg_try_advisory_xact_lock_shared(bigint) postgres obtain shared advisory lock if available
pg_ts_config_is_visible(oid) postgres is text search configuration visible in search path?
pg_ts_dict_is_visible(oid) postgres is text search dictionary visible in search path?
pg_ts_parser_is_visible(oid) postgres is text search parser visible in search path?
pg_ts_template_is_visible(oid) postgres is text search template visible in search path?
pg_type_is_visible(oid) postgres is type visible in search path?
pg_typeof("any") postgres type of the argument
pg_xlog_location_diff(text, text) postgres difference in bytes, given two xlog locations
pg_xlog_replay_pause() postgres pause xlog replay
pg_xlog_replay_resume() postgres resume xlog replay, if it was paused
pg_xlogfile_name(text) postgres xlog filename, given an xlog location
pg_xlogfile_name_offset(text) postgres xlog filename and byte offset, given an xlog location
pi() postgres PI
plainto_tsquery(text) postgres transform to tsquery
plainto_tsquery(regconfig, text) postgres transform to tsquery
plpgsql_call_handler() postgres
plpgsql_inline_handler(internal) postgres
plpgsql_validator(oid) postgres
point(circle) postgres center of
point(path) postgres center of
point(polygon) postgres center of
point(box) postgres center of
point(double precision, double precision) postgres convert x, y to point
point(lseg) postgres center of
point_above(point, point) postgres implementation of >^ operator
point_add(point, point) postgres implementation of + operator
point_below(point, point) postgres implementation of <^ operator
point_distance(point, point) postgres implementation of <-> operator
point_div(point, point) postgres implementation of / operator
point_eq(point, point) postgres implementation of ~= operator
point_horiz(point, point) postgres implementation of ?- operator
point_in(cstring) postgres I/O
point_left(point, point) postgres implementation of << operator
point_mul(point, point) postgres implementation of * operator
point_ne(point, point) postgres implementation of <> operator
point_out(point) postgres I/O
point_recv(internal) postgres I/O
point_right(point, point) postgres implementation of >> operator
point_send(point) postgres I/O
point_sub(point, point) postgres implementation of - operator
point_vert(point, point) postgres implementation of ?| operator
poly_above(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of |>> operator
poly_below(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of <<| operator
poly_center(polygon) postgres implementation of @@ operator
poly_contain(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of @> operator
poly_contain_pt(polygon, point) postgres implementation of @> operator
poly_contained(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of <@ operator
poly_distance(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of <-> operator
poly_in(cstring) postgres I/O
poly_left(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of << operator
poly_npoints(polygon) postgres implementation of # operator
poly_out(polygon) postgres I/O
poly_overabove(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of |&> operator
poly_overbelow(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of &<| operator
poly_overlap(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of && operator
poly_overleft(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of &< operator
poly_overright(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of &> operator
poly_recv(internal) postgres I/O
poly_right(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of >> operator
poly_same(polygon, polygon) postgres implementation of ~= operator
poly_send(polygon) postgres I/O
polygon(box) postgres convert box to polygon
polygon(path) postgres convert path to polygon
polygon(integer, circle) postgres convert vertex count and circle to polygon
polygon(circle) postgres convert circle to 12-vertex polygon
popen(path) postgres open path
position(bit, bit) postgres position of sub-bitstring
position(bytea, bytea) postgres position of substring
position(text, text) postgres position of substring
positionjoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity for position-comparison operators
positionsel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity for position-comparison operators
postgresql_fdw_validator(text[], oid) postgres (internal)
pow(double precision, double precision) postgres exponentiation
pow(numeric, numeric) postgres exponentiation
power(double precision, double precision) postgres exponentiation
power(numeric, numeric) postgres exponentiation
prsd_end(internal) postgres (internal)
prsd_headline(internal, internal, tsquery) postgres (internal)
prsd_lextype(internal) postgres (internal)
prsd_nexttoken(internal, internal, internal) postgres (internal)
prsd_start(internal, integer) postgres (internal)
pt_contained_circle(point, circle) postgres implementation of <@ operator
pt_contained_poly(point, polygon) postgres implementation of <@ operator
query_to_xml(text, boolean, boolean, text) postgres map query result to XML
query_to_xml_and_xmlschema(text, boolean, boolean, text) postgres map query result and structure to XML and XML Schema
query_to_xmlschema(text, boolean, boolean, text) postgres map query result structure to XML Schema
querytree(tsquery) postgres show real useful query for GiST index
quote_ident(text) postgres quote an identifier for usage in a querystring
quote_literal(text) postgres quote a literal for usage in a querystring
quote_literal(anyelement) postgres quote a data value for usage in a querystring
quote_nullable(text) postgres quote a possibly-null literal for usage in a querystring
quote_nullable(anyelement) postgres quote a possibly-null data value for usage in a querystring
radians(double precision) postgres degrees to radians
radius(circle) postgres radius of circle
random() postgres random value
range_adjacent(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of -|- operator
range_after(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of >> operator
range_before(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of << operator
range_cmp(anyrange, anyrange) postgres less-equal-greater
range_contained_by(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of <@ operator
range_contains(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of @> operator
range_contains_elem(anyrange, anyelement) postgres implementation of @> operator
range_eq(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of = operator
range_ge(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of >= operator
range_gist_compress(internal) postgres GiST support
range_gist_consistent(internal, anyrange, integer, oid, internal) postgres GiST support
range_gist_decompress(internal) postgres GiST support
range_gist_penalty(internal, internal, internal) postgres GiST support
range_gist_picksplit(internal, internal) postgres GiST support
range_gist_same(anyrange, anyrange, internal) postgres GiST support
range_gist_union(internal, internal) postgres GiST support
range_gt(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of > operator
range_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
range_intersect(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of * operator
range_le(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of <= operator
range_lt(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of < operator
range_minus(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of - operator
range_ne(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of <> operator
range_out(anyrange) postgres I/O
range_overlaps(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of && operator
range_overleft(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of &< operator
range_overright(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of &> operator
range_recv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
range_send(anyrange) postgres I/O
range_typanalyze(internal) postgres range typanalyze
range_union(anyrange, anyrange) postgres implementation of + operator
rank() postgres integer rank with gaps
record_eq(record, record) postgres implementation of = operator
record_ge(record, record) postgres implementation of >= operator
record_gt(record, record) postgres implementation of > operator
record_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
record_le(record, record) postgres implementation of <= operator
record_lt(record, record) postgres implementation of < operator
record_ne(record, record) postgres implementation of <> operator
record_out(record) postgres I/O
record_recv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
record_send(record) postgres I/O
regclass(text) postgres convert text to regclass
regclassin(cstring) postgres I/O
regclassout(regclass) postgres I/O
regclassrecv(internal) postgres I/O
regclasssend(regclass) postgres I/O
regconfigin(cstring) postgres I/O
regconfigout(regconfig) postgres I/O
regconfigrecv(internal) postgres I/O
regconfigsend(regconfig) postgres I/O
regdictionaryin(cstring) postgres I/O
regdictionaryout(regdictionary) postgres I/O
regdictionaryrecv(internal) postgres I/O
regdictionarysend(regdictionary) postgres I/O
regexeqjoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of regex match
regexeqsel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of regex match
regexnejoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of regex non-match
regexnesel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of regex non-match
regexp_matches(text, text) postgres find all match groups for regexp
regexp_matches(text, text, text) postgres find all match groups for regexp
regexp_replace(text, text, text, text) postgres replace text using regexp
regexp_replace(text, text, text) postgres replace text using regexp
regexp_split_to_array(text, text, text) postgres split string by pattern
regexp_split_to_array(text, text) postgres split string by pattern
regexp_split_to_table(text, text) postgres split string by pattern
regexp_split_to_table(text, text, text) postgres split string by pattern
regoperatorin(cstring) postgres I/O
regoperatorout(regoperator) postgres I/O
regoperatorrecv(internal) postgres I/O
regoperatorsend(regoperator) postgres I/O
regoperin(cstring) postgres I/O
regoperout(regoper) postgres I/O
regoperrecv(internal) postgres I/O
regopersend(regoper) postgres I/O
regprocedurein(cstring) postgres I/O
regprocedureout(regprocedure) postgres I/O
regprocedurerecv(internal) postgres I/O
regproceduresend(regprocedure) postgres I/O
regprocin(cstring) postgres I/O
regprocout(regproc) postgres I/O
regprocrecv(internal) postgres I/O
regprocsend(regproc) postgres I/O
regtypein(cstring) postgres I/O
regtypeout(regtype) postgres I/O
regtyperecv(internal) postgres I/O
regtypesend(regtype) postgres I/O
reltime(interval) postgres convert interval to reltime
reltimeeq(reltime, reltime) postgres implementation of = operator
reltimege(reltime, reltime) postgres implementation of >= operator
reltimegt(reltime, reltime) postgres implementation of > operator
reltimein(cstring) postgres I/O
reltimele(reltime, reltime) postgres implementation of <= operator
reltimelt(reltime, reltime) postgres implementation of < operator
reltimene(reltime, reltime) postgres implementation of <> operator
reltimeout(reltime) postgres I/O
reltimerecv(internal) postgres I/O
reltimesend(reltime) postgres I/O
repeat(text, integer) postgres replicate string n times
replace(text, text, text) postgres replace all occurrences in string of old_substr with new_substr
reverse(text) postgres reverse text
right(text, integer) postgres extract the last n characters
round(double precision) postgres round to nearest integer
round(numeric, integer) postgres value rounded to 'scale'
round(numeric) postgres value rounded to 'scale' of zero
row_number() postgres row number within partition
row_to_json(record, boolean) postgres map row to json with optional pretty printing
row_to_json(record) postgres map row to json
rpad(text, integer, text) postgres right-pad string to length
rpad(text, integer) postgres right-pad string to length
rtrim(text, text) postgres trim selected characters from right end of string
rtrim(text) postgres trim spaces from right end of string
scalargtjoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of > and related operators on scalar datatypes
scalargtsel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of > and related operators on scalar datatypes
scalarltjoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of < and related operators on scalar datatypes
scalarltsel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of < and related operators on scalar datatypes
schema_to_xml(name, boolean, boolean, text) postgres map schema contents to XML
schema_to_xml_and_xmlschema(name, boolean, boolean, text) postgres map schema contents and structure to XML and XML Schema
schema_to_xmlschema(name, boolean, boolean, text) postgres map schema structure to XML Schema
session_user() postgres session user name
set_bit(bit, integer, integer) postgres set bit
set_bit(bytea, integer, integer) postgres set bit
set_byte(bytea, integer, integer) postgres set byte
set_config(text, text, boolean) postgres SET X as a function
set_masklen(inet, integer) postgres change netmask of inet
set_masklen(cidr, integer) postgres change netmask of cidr
setseed(double precision) postgres set random seed
setval(regclass, bigint, boolean) postgres set sequence value and is_called status
setval(regclass, bigint) postgres set sequence value
setweight(tsvector, "char") postgres set weight of lexeme's entries
shell_in(cstring) postgres I/O
shell_out(opaque) postgres I/O
shift_jis_2004_to_euc_jis_2004(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for SHIFT_JIS_2004 to EUC_JIS_2004
shift_jis_2004_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for SHIFT_JIS_2004 to UTF8
shobj_description(oid, name) postgres get description for object id and shared catalog name
sign(double precision) postgres sign of value
sign(numeric) postgres sign of value
similar_escape(text, text) postgres convert SQL99 regexp pattern to POSIX style
sin(double precision) postgres sine
sjis_to_euc_jp(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for SJIS to EUC_JP
sjis_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for SJIS to MULE_INTERNAL
sjis_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for SJIS to UTF8
slope(point, point) postgres slope between points
smgreq(smgr, smgr) postgres storage manager
smgrin(cstring) postgres I/O
smgrne(smgr, smgr) postgres storage manager
smgrout(smgr) postgres I/O
spg_kd_choose(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for k-d tree over point
spg_kd_config(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for k-d tree over point
spg_kd_inner_consistent(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for k-d tree over point
spg_kd_picksplit(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for k-d tree over point
spg_quad_choose(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for quad tree over point
spg_quad_config(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for quad tree over point
spg_quad_inner_consistent(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for quad tree over point
spg_quad_leaf_consistent(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for quad tree and k-d tree over point
spg_quad_picksplit(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for quad tree over point
spg_text_choose(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for suffix tree over text
spg_text_config(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for suffix tree over text
spg_text_inner_consistent(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for suffix tree over text
spg_text_leaf_consistent(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for suffix tree over text
spg_text_picksplit(internal, internal) postgres SP-GiST support for suffix tree over text
spgbeginscan(internal, internal, internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spgbuild(internal, internal, internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spgbuildempty(internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spgbulkdelete(internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spgcanreturn(internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spgcostestimate(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spgendscan(internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spggetbitmap(internal, internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spggettuple(internal, internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spginsert(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spgmarkpos(internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spgoptions(text[], boolean) postgres spgist(internal)
spgrescan(internal, internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spgrestrpos(internal) postgres spgist(internal)
spgvacuumcleanup(internal, internal) postgres spgist(internal)
split_part(text, text, integer) postgres split string by field_sep and return field_num
sqrt(double precision) postgres square root
sqrt(numeric) postgres square root
statement_timestamp() postgres current statement time
string_agg_finalfn(internal) postgres aggregate final function
string_agg_transfn(internal, text, text) postgres aggregate transition function
string_to_array(text, text, text) postgres split delimited text into text[], with null string
string_to_array(text, text) postgres split delimited text into text[]
strip(tsvector) postgres strip position information
strpos(text, text) postgres position of substring
substr(bytea, integer, integer) postgres extract portion of string
substr(text, integer) postgres extract portion of string
substr(text, integer, integer) postgres extract portion of string
substr(bytea, integer) postgres extract portion of string
substring(text, text) postgres extract text matching regular expression
substring(bit, integer, integer) postgres extract portion of bitstring
substring(bytea, integer) postgres extract portion of string
substring(bit, integer) postgres extract portion of bitstring
substring(text, text, text) postgres extract text matching SQL99 regular expression
substring(bytea, integer, integer) postgres extract portion of string
substring(text, integer) postgres extract portion of string
substring(text, integer, integer) postgres extract portion of string
table_to_xml(regclass, boolean, boolean, text) postgres map table contents to XML
table_to_xml_and_xmlschema(regclass, boolean, boolean, text) postgres map table contents and structure to XML and XML Schema
table_to_xmlschema(regclass, boolean, boolean, text) postgres map table structure to XML Schema
tan(double precision) postgres tangent
text("char") postgres convert char to text
text(inet) postgres show all parts of inet/cidr value
text(name) postgres convert name to text
text(character) postgres convert char(n) to text
text(boolean) postgres convert boolean to text
text(xml) postgres serialize an XML value to a character string
text_ge(text, text) postgres implementation of >= operator
text_gt(text, text) postgres implementation of > operator
text_larger(text, text) postgres larger of two
text_le(text, text) postgres implementation of <= operator
text_lt(text, text) postgres implementation of < operator
text_pattern_ge(text, text) postgres implementation of ~>=~ operator
text_pattern_gt(text, text) postgres implementation of ~>~ operator
text_pattern_le(text, text) postgres implementation of ~<=~ operator
text_pattern_lt(text, text) postgres implementation of ~<~ operator
text_smaller(text, text) postgres smaller of two
textanycat(text, anynonarray) postgres implementation of || operator
textcat(text, text) postgres implementation of || operator
texteq(text, text) postgres implementation of = operator
texticlike(text, text) postgres implementation of ~~* operator
texticnlike(text, text) postgres implementation of !~~* operator
texticregexeq(text, text) postgres implementation of ~* operator
texticregexne(text, text) postgres implementation of !~* operator
textin(cstring) postgres I/O
textlen(text) postgres length
textlike(text, text) postgres implementation of ~~ operator
textne(text, text) postgres implementation of <> operator
textnlike(text, text) postgres implementation of !~~ operator
textout(text) postgres I/O
textrecv(internal) postgres I/O
textregexeq(text, text) postgres implementation of ~ operator
textregexne(text, text) postgres implementation of !~ operator
textsend(text) postgres I/O
thesaurus_init(internal) postgres (internal)
thesaurus_lexize(internal, internal, internal, internal) postgres (internal)
tideq(tid, tid) postgres implementation of = operator
tidge(tid, tid) postgres implementation of >= operator
tidgt(tid, tid) postgres implementation of > operator
tidin(cstring) postgres I/O
tidlarger(tid, tid) postgres larger of two
tidle(tid, tid) postgres implementation of <= operator
tidlt(tid, tid) postgres implementation of < operator
tidne(tid, tid) postgres implementation of <> operator
tidout(tid) postgres I/O
tidrecv(internal) postgres I/O
tidsend(tid) postgres I/O
tidsmaller(tid, tid) postgres smaller of two
time(time with time zone) postgres convert time with time zone to time
time(time without time zone, integer) postgres adjust time precision
time(interval) postgres convert interval to time
time(abstime) postgres convert abstime to time
time(timestamp without time zone) postgres convert timestamp to time
time(timestamp with time zone) postgres convert timestamp with time zone to time
time_cmp(time without time zone, time without time zone) postgres less-equal-greater
time_eq(time without time zone, time without time zone) postgres implementation of = operator
time_ge(time without time zone, time without time zone) postgres implementation of >= operator
time_gt(time without time zone, time without time zone) postgres implementation of > operator
time_hash(time without time zone) postgres hash
time_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
time_larger(time without time zone, time without time zone) postgres larger of two
time_le(time without time zone, time without time zone) postgres implementation of <= operator
time_lt(time without time zone, time without time zone) postgres implementation of < operator
time_mi_interval(time without time zone, interval) postgres implementation of - operator
time_mi_time(time without time zone, time without time zone) postgres implementation of - operator
time_ne(time without time zone, time without time zone) postgres implementation of <> operator
time_out(time without time zone) postgres I/O
time_pl_interval(time without time zone, interval) postgres implementation of + operator
time_recv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
time_send(time without time zone) postgres I/O
time_smaller(time without time zone, time without time zone) postgres smaller of two
time_transform(internal) postgres transform a time length coercion
timedate_pl(time without time zone, date) postgres implementation of + operator
timemi(abstime, reltime) postgres implementation of - operator
timenow() postgres current date and time (abstime)
timeofday() postgres current date and time - increments during transactions
timepl(abstime, reltime) postgres implementation of + operator
timestamp(timestamp without time zone, integer) postgres adjust timestamp precision
timestamp(timestamp with time zone) postgres convert timestamp with time zone to timestamp
timestamp(date) postgres convert date to timestamp
timestamp(date, time without time zone) postgres convert date and time to timestamp
timestamp(abstime) postgres convert abstime to timestamp
timestamp_cmp(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres less-equal-greater
timestamp_cmp_date(timestamp without time zone, date) postgres less-equal-greater
timestamp_cmp_timestamptz(timestamp without time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres less-equal-greater
timestamp_eq(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of = operator
timestamp_eq_date(timestamp without time zone, date) postgres implementation of = operator
timestamp_eq_timestamptz(timestamp without time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of = operator
timestamp_ge(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of >= operator
timestamp_ge_date(timestamp without time zone, date) postgres implementation of >= operator
timestamp_ge_timestamptz(timestamp without time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of >= operator
timestamp_gt(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of > operator
timestamp_gt_date(timestamp without time zone, date) postgres implementation of > operator
timestamp_gt_timestamptz(timestamp without time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of > operator
timestamp_hash(timestamp without time zone) postgres hash
timestamp_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
timestamp_larger(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres larger of two
timestamp_le(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of <= operator
timestamp_le_date(timestamp without time zone, date) postgres implementation of <= operator
timestamp_le_timestamptz(timestamp without time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of <= operator
timestamp_lt(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of < operator
timestamp_lt_date(timestamp without time zone, date) postgres implementation of < operator
timestamp_lt_timestamptz(timestamp without time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of < operator
timestamp_mi(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of - operator
timestamp_mi_interval(timestamp without time zone, interval) postgres implementation of - operator
timestamp_ne(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of <> operator
timestamp_ne_date(timestamp without time zone, date) postgres implementation of <> operator
timestamp_ne_timestamptz(timestamp without time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of <> operator
timestamp_out(timestamp without time zone) postgres I/O
timestamp_pl_interval(timestamp without time zone, interval) postgres implementation of + operator
timestamp_recv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
timestamp_send(timestamp without time zone) postgres I/O
timestamp_smaller(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres smaller of two
timestamp_sortsupport(internal) postgres sort support
timestamp_transform(internal) postgres transform a timestamp length coercion
timestamptypmodin(cstring[]) postgres I/O typmod
timestamptypmodout(integer) postgres I/O typmod
timestamptz(abstime) postgres convert abstime to timestamp with time zone
timestamptz(date, time with time zone) postgres convert date and time with time zone to timestamp with time zone
timestamptz(timestamp with time zone, integer) postgres adjust timestamptz precision
timestamptz(date, time without time zone) postgres convert date and time to timestamp with time zone
timestamptz(timestamp without time zone) postgres convert timestamp to timestamp with time zone
timestamptz(date) postgres convert date to timestamp with time zone
timestamptz_cmp(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres less-equal-greater
timestamptz_cmp_date(timestamp with time zone, date) postgres less-equal-greater
timestamptz_cmp_timestamp(timestamp with time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres less-equal-greater
timestamptz_eq(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of = operator
timestamptz_eq_date(timestamp with time zone, date) postgres implementation of = operator
timestamptz_eq_timestamp(timestamp with time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of = operator
timestamptz_ge(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of >= operator
timestamptz_ge_date(timestamp with time zone, date) postgres implementation of >= operator
timestamptz_ge_timestamp(timestamp with time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of >= operator
timestamptz_gt(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of > operator
timestamptz_gt_date(timestamp with time zone, date) postgres implementation of > operator
timestamptz_gt_timestamp(timestamp with time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of > operator
timestamptz_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
timestamptz_larger(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres larger of two
timestamptz_le(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of <= operator
timestamptz_le_date(timestamp with time zone, date) postgres implementation of <= operator
timestamptz_le_timestamp(timestamp with time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of <= operator
timestamptz_lt(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of < operator
timestamptz_lt_date(timestamp with time zone, date) postgres implementation of < operator
timestamptz_lt_timestamp(timestamp with time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of < operator
timestamptz_mi(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of - operator
timestamptz_mi_interval(timestamp with time zone, interval) postgres implementation of - operator
timestamptz_ne(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres implementation of <> operator
timestamptz_ne_date(timestamp with time zone, date) postgres implementation of <> operator
timestamptz_ne_timestamp(timestamp with time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres implementation of <> operator
timestamptz_out(timestamp with time zone) postgres I/O
timestamptz_pl_interval(timestamp with time zone, interval) postgres implementation of + operator
timestamptz_recv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
timestamptz_send(timestamp with time zone) postgres I/O
timestamptz_smaller(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres smaller of two
timestamptztypmodin(cstring[]) postgres I/O typmod
timestamptztypmodout(integer) postgres I/O typmod
timetypmodin(cstring[]) postgres I/O typmod
timetypmodout(integer) postgres I/O typmod
timetz(time with time zone, integer) postgres adjust time with time zone precision
timetz(time without time zone) postgres convert time to time with time zone
timetz(timestamp with time zone) postgres convert timestamp with time zone to time with time zone
timetz_cmp(time with time zone, time with time zone) postgres less-equal-greater
timetz_eq(time with time zone, time with time zone) postgres implementation of = operator
timetz_ge(time with time zone, time with time zone) postgres implementation of >= operator
timetz_gt(time with time zone, time with time zone) postgres implementation of > operator
timetz_hash(time with time zone) postgres hash
timetz_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
timetz_larger(time with time zone, time with time zone) postgres larger of two
timetz_le(time with time zone, time with time zone) postgres implementation of <= operator
timetz_lt(time with time zone, time with time zone) postgres implementation of < operator
timetz_mi_interval(time with time zone, interval) postgres implementation of - operator
timetz_ne(time with time zone, time with time zone) postgres implementation of <> operator
timetz_out(time with time zone) postgres I/O
timetz_pl_interval(time with time zone, interval) postgres implementation of + operator
timetz_recv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
timetz_send(time with time zone) postgres I/O
timetz_smaller(time with time zone, time with time zone) postgres smaller of two
timetzdate_pl(time with time zone, date) postgres implementation of + operator
timetztypmodin(cstring[]) postgres I/O typmod
timetztypmodout(integer) postgres I/O typmod
timezone(text, time with time zone) postgres adjust time with time zone to new zone
timezone(interval, timestamp with time zone) postgres adjust timestamp to new time zone
timezone(text, timestamp without time zone) postgres adjust timestamp to new time zone
timezone(text, timestamp with time zone) postgres adjust timestamp to new time zone
timezone(interval, time with time zone) postgres adjust time with time zone to new zone
timezone(interval, timestamp without time zone) postgres adjust timestamp to new time zone
tinterval(abstime, abstime) postgres convert to tinterval
tintervalct(tinterval, tinterval) postgres implementation of << operator
tintervalend(tinterval) postgres end of interval
tintervaleq(tinterval, tinterval) postgres implementation of = operator
tintervalge(tinterval, tinterval) postgres implementation of >= operator
tintervalgt(tinterval, tinterval) postgres implementation of > operator
tintervalin(cstring) postgres I/O
tintervalle(tinterval, tinterval) postgres implementation of <= operator
tintervalleneq(tinterval, reltime) postgres implementation of #= operator
tintervallenge(tinterval, reltime) postgres implementation of #>= operator
tintervallengt(tinterval, reltime) postgres implementation of #> operator
tintervallenle(tinterval, reltime) postgres implementation of #<= operator
tintervallenlt(tinterval, reltime) postgres implementation of #< operator
tintervallenne(tinterval, reltime) postgres implementation of #<> operator
tintervallt(tinterval, tinterval) postgres implementation of < operator
tintervalne(tinterval, tinterval) postgres implementation of <> operator
tintervalout(tinterval) postgres I/O
tintervalov(tinterval, tinterval) postgres implementation of && operator
tintervalrecv(internal) postgres I/O
tintervalrel(tinterval) postgres tinterval to reltime
tintervalsame(tinterval, tinterval) postgres implementation of ~= operator
tintervalsend(tinterval) postgres I/O
tintervalstart(tinterval) postgres implementation of | operator
to_ascii(text) postgres encode text from DB encoding to ASCII text
to_ascii(text, name) postgres encode text from encoding to ASCII text
to_ascii(text, integer) postgres encode text from encoding to ASCII text
to_char(timestamp with time zone, text) postgres format timestamp with time zone to text
to_char(integer, text) postgres format int4 to text
to_char(real, text) postgres format float4 to text
to_char(interval, text) postgres format interval to text
to_char(double precision, text) postgres format float8 to text
to_char(numeric, text) postgres format numeric to text
to_char(bigint, text) postgres format int8 to text
to_char(timestamp without time zone, text) postgres format timestamp to text
to_date(text, text) postgres convert text to date
to_hex(integer) postgres convert int4 number to hex
to_hex(bigint) postgres convert int8 number to hex
to_number(text, text) postgres convert text to numeric
to_timestamp(double precision) postgres convert UNIX epoch to timestamptz
to_timestamp(text, text) postgres convert text to timestamp with time zone
to_tsquery(text) postgres make tsquery
to_tsquery(regconfig, text) postgres make tsquery
to_tsvector(text) postgres transform to tsvector
to_tsvector(regconfig, text) postgres transform to tsvector
transaction_timestamp() postgres current transaction time
translate(text, text, text) postgres map a set of characters appearing in string
trigger_out(trigger) postgres I/O
trunc(macaddr) postgres MAC manufacturer fields
trunc(double precision) postgres truncate to integer
trunc(numeric, integer) postgres value truncated to 'scale'
trunc(numeric) postgres value truncated to 'scale' of zero
ts_debug(regconfig, text) postgres debug function for text search configuration
ts_debug(text) postgres debug function for current text search configuration
ts_headline(text, tsquery, text) postgres generate headline
ts_headline(text, tsquery) postgres generate headline
ts_headline(regconfig, text, tsquery, text) postgres generate headline
ts_headline(regconfig, text, tsquery) postgres generate headline
ts_lexize(regdictionary, text) postgres normalize one word by dictionary
ts_match_qv(tsquery, tsvector) postgres implementation of @@ operator
ts_match_tq(text, tsquery) postgres implementation of @@ operator
ts_match_tt(text, text) postgres implementation of @@ operator
ts_match_vq(tsvector, tsquery) postgres implementation of @@ operator
ts_parse(text, text) postgres parse text to tokens
ts_parse(oid, text) postgres parse text to tokens
ts_rank(real[], tsvector, tsquery) postgres relevance
ts_rank(tsvector, tsquery, integer) postgres relevance
ts_rank(real[], tsvector, tsquery, integer) postgres relevance
ts_rank(tsvector, tsquery) postgres relevance
ts_rank_cd(tsvector, tsquery, integer) postgres relevance
ts_rank_cd(real[], tsvector, tsquery) postgres relevance
ts_rank_cd(tsvector, tsquery) postgres relevance
ts_rank_cd(real[], tsvector, tsquery, integer) postgres relevance
ts_rewrite(tsquery, tsquery, tsquery) postgres rewrite tsquery
ts_rewrite(tsquery, text) postgres rewrite tsquery
ts_stat(text, text) postgres statistics of tsvector column
ts_stat(text) postgres statistics of tsvector column
ts_token_type(oid) postgres get parser's token types
ts_token_type(text) postgres get parser's token types
ts_typanalyze(internal) postgres tsvector typanalyze
tsmatchjoinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal) postgres join selectivity of tsvector @@ tsquery
tsmatchsel(internal, oid, internal, integer) postgres restriction selectivity of tsvector @@ tsquery
tsq_mcontained(tsquery, tsquery) postgres implementation of <@ operator
tsq_mcontains(tsquery, tsquery) postgres implementation of @> operator
tsquery_and(tsquery, tsquery) postgres implementation of && operator
tsquery_cmp(tsquery, tsquery) postgres less-equal-greater
tsquery_eq(tsquery, tsquery) postgres implementation of = operator
tsquery_ge(tsquery, tsquery) postgres implementation of >= operator
tsquery_gt(tsquery, tsquery) postgres implementation of > operator
tsquery_le(tsquery, tsquery) postgres implementation of <= operator
tsquery_lt(tsquery, tsquery) postgres implementation of < operator
tsquery_ne(tsquery, tsquery) postgres implementation of <> operator
tsquery_not(tsquery) postgres implementation of !! operator
tsquery_or(tsquery, tsquery) postgres implementation of || operator
tsqueryin(cstring) postgres I/O
tsqueryout(tsquery) postgres I/O
tsqueryrecv(internal) postgres I/O
tsquerysend(tsquery) postgres I/O
tsrange(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, text) postgres tsrange constructor
tsrange(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres tsrange constructor
tsrange_subdiff(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone) postgres float8 difference of two timestamp values
tstzrange(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, text) postgres tstzrange constructor
tstzrange(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres tstzrange constructor
tstzrange_subdiff(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) postgres float8 difference of two timestamp with time zone values
tsvector_cmp(tsvector, tsvector) postgres less-equal-greater
tsvector_concat(tsvector, tsvector) postgres implementation of || operator
tsvector_eq(tsvector, tsvector) postgres implementation of = operator
tsvector_ge(tsvector, tsvector) postgres implementation of >= operator
tsvector_gt(tsvector, tsvector) postgres implementation of > operator
tsvector_le(tsvector, tsvector) postgres implementation of <= operator
tsvector_lt(tsvector, tsvector) postgres implementation of < operator
tsvector_ne(tsvector, tsvector) postgres implementation of <> operator
tsvectorin(cstring) postgres I/O
tsvectorout(tsvector) postgres I/O
tsvectorrecv(internal) postgres I/O
tsvectorsend(tsvector) postgres I/O
txid_current() postgres get current transaction ID
txid_current_snapshot() postgres get current snapshot
txid_snapshot_in(cstring) postgres I/O
txid_snapshot_out(txid_snapshot) postgres I/O
txid_snapshot_recv(internal) postgres I/O
txid_snapshot_send(txid_snapshot) postgres I/O
txid_snapshot_xip(txid_snapshot) postgres get set of in-progress txids in snapshot
txid_snapshot_xmax(txid_snapshot) postgres get xmax of snapshot
txid_snapshot_xmin(txid_snapshot) postgres get xmin of snapshot
txid_visible_in_snapshot(bigint, txid_snapshot) postgres is txid visible in snapshot?
uhc_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UHC to UTF8
unknownin(cstring) postgres I/O
unknownout(unknown) postgres I/O
unknownrecv(internal) postgres I/O
unknownsend(unknown) postgres I/O
unnest(anyarray) postgres expand array to set of rows
upper(text) postgres uppercase
upper(anyrange) postgres upper bound of range
upper_inc(anyrange) postgres is the range's upper bound inclusive?
upper_inf(anyrange) postgres is the range's upper bound infinite?
utf8_to_ascii(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to SQL_ASCII
utf8_to_big5(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to BIG5
utf8_to_euc_cn(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to EUC_CN
utf8_to_euc_jis_2004(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to EUC_JIS_2004
utf8_to_euc_jp(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to EUC_JP
utf8_to_euc_kr(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to EUC_KR
utf8_to_euc_tw(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to EUC_TW
utf8_to_gb18030(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to GB18030
utf8_to_gbk(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to GBK
utf8_to_iso8859(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to ISO-8859-8
utf8_to_iso8859_1(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to LATIN1
utf8_to_johab(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to JOHAB
utf8_to_koi8r(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to KOI8R
utf8_to_koi8u(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to KOI8U
utf8_to_shift_jis_2004(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to SHIFT_JIS_2004
utf8_to_sjis(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to SJIS
utf8_to_uhc(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to UHC
utf8_to_win(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for UTF8 to WIN1258
uuid_cmp(uuid, uuid) postgres less-equal-greater
uuid_eq(uuid, uuid) postgres implementation of = operator
uuid_ge(uuid, uuid) postgres implementation of >= operator
uuid_gt(uuid, uuid) postgres implementation of > operator
uuid_hash(uuid) postgres hash
uuid_in(cstring) postgres I/O
uuid_le(uuid, uuid) postgres implementation of <= operator
uuid_lt(uuid, uuid) postgres implementation of < operator
uuid_ne(uuid, uuid) postgres implementation of <> operator
uuid_out(uuid) postgres I/O
uuid_recv(internal) postgres I/O
uuid_send(uuid) postgres I/O
varbit(bit varying, integer, boolean) postgres adjust varbit() to typmod length
varbit_in(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
varbit_out(bit varying) postgres I/O
varbit_recv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
varbit_send(bit varying) postgres I/O
varbit_transform(internal) postgres transform a varbit length coercion
varbitcmp(bit varying, bit varying) postgres less-equal-greater
varbiteq(bit varying, bit varying) postgres implementation of = operator
varbitge(bit varying, bit varying) postgres implementation of >= operator
varbitgt(bit varying, bit varying) postgres implementation of > operator
varbitle(bit varying, bit varying) postgres implementation of <= operator
varbitlt(bit varying, bit varying) postgres implementation of < operator
varbitne(bit varying, bit varying) postgres implementation of <> operator
varbittypmodin(cstring[]) postgres I/O typmod
varbittypmodout(integer) postgres I/O typmod
varchar(name) postgres convert name to varchar
varchar(character varying, integer, boolean) postgres adjust varchar() to typmod length
varchar_transform(internal) postgres transform a varchar length coercion
varcharin(cstring, oid, integer) postgres I/O
varcharout(character varying) postgres I/O
varcharrecv(internal, oid, integer) postgres I/O
varcharsend(character varying) postgres I/O
varchartypmodin(cstring[]) postgres I/O typmod
varchartypmodout(integer) postgres I/O typmod
version() postgres PostgreSQL version string
void_in(cstring) postgres I/O
void_out(void) postgres I/O
void_recv(internal) postgres I/O
void_send(void) postgres I/O
width(box) postgres box width
width_bucket(double precision, double precision, double precision, integer) postgres bucket number of operand in equidepth histogram
width_bucket(numeric, numeric, numeric, integer) postgres bucket number of operand in equidepth histogram
win1250_to_latin2(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for WIN1250 to LATIN2
win1250_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for WIN1250 to MULE_INTERNAL
win1251_to_iso(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for WIN1251 to ISO-8859-5
win1251_to_koi8r(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for WIN1251 to KOI8R
win1251_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for WIN1251 to MULE_INTERNAL
win1251_to_win866(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for WIN1251 to WIN866
win866_to_iso(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for WIN866 to ISO-8859-5
win866_to_koi8r(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for WIN866 to KOI8R
win866_to_mic(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for WIN866 to MULE_INTERNAL
win866_to_win1251(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for WIN866 to WIN1251
win_to_utf8(integer, integer, cstring, internal, integer) postgres internal conversion function for WIN1258 to UTF8
xideq(xid, xid) postgres implementation of = operator
xideqint4(xid, integer) postgres implementation of = operator
xidin(cstring) postgres I/O
xidout(xid) postgres I/O
xidrecv(internal) postgres I/O
xidsend(xid) postgres I/O
xml(text) postgres perform a non-validating parse of a character string to produce an XML value
xml_in(cstring) postgres I/O
xml_is_well_formed(text) postgres determine if a string is well formed XML
xml_is_well_formed_content(text) postgres determine if a string is well formed XML content
xml_is_well_formed_document(text) postgres determine if a string is well formed XML document
xml_out(xml) postgres I/O
xml_recv(internal) postgres I/O
xml_send(xml) postgres I/O
xmlcomment(text) postgres generate XML comment
xmlconcat2(xml, xml) postgres aggregate transition function
xmlexists(text, xml) postgres test XML value against XPath expression
xmlvalidate(xml, text) postgres validate an XML value
xpath(text, xml) postgres evaluate XPath expression
xpath(text, xml, text[]) postgres evaluate XPath expression, with namespaces support
xpath_exists(text, xml, text[]) postgres test XML value against XPath expression, with namespace support
xpath_exists(text, xml) postgres test XML value against XPath expression


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