-- Title : POS(Part of Speech) 태그 리스트 - Ⅱ
-- Reference : spacy.io/docs/usage/pos-tagging
-- Key word : pos tag scheme 품사 태크 태깅 스키마 mop morphology
English part-of-speech tag scheme
Tag | POS | Morphology | Description |
-LRB- | PUNCT | PunctType=brck PunctSide=ini | left round bracket |
-PRB- | PUNCT | PunctType=brck PunctSide=fin | right round bracket |
, | PUNCT | PunctType=comm | punctuation mark, comma |
: | PUNCT | punctuation mark, colon or ellipsis | |
. | PUNCT | PunctType=peri | punctuation mark, sentence closer |
'' | PUNCT | PunctType=quot PunctSide=fin | closing quotation mark |
"" | PUNCT | PunctType=quot PunctSide=fin | closing quotation mark |
# | SYM | SymType=numbersign | symbol, number sign |
`` | PUNCT | PunctType=quot PunctSide=ini | opening quotation mark |
$ | SYM | SymType=currency | symbol, currency |
ADD | X | ||
AFX | ADJ | Hyph=yes | affix |
BES | VERB | auxillary "be" | |
CC | CONJ | ConjType=coor | conjunction, coordinating |
CD | NUM | NumType=card | cardinal number |
DT | DET | determiner | |
EX | ADV | AdvType=ex | existential there |
FW | X | Foreign=yes | foreign word |
GW | X | additional word in multi-word expression | |
HVS | VERB | forms of "have" | |
HYPH | PUNCT | PunctType=dash | punctuation mark, hyphen |
IN | ADP | conjunction, subordinating or preposition | |
JJ | ADJ | Degree=pos | adjective |
JJR | ADJ | Degree=comp | adjective, comparative |
JJS | ADJ | Degree=sup | adjective, superlative |
LS | PUNCT | NumType=ord | list item marker |
MD | VERB | VerbType=mod | verb, modal auxillary |
NFP | PUNCT | superfluous punctuation | |
| missing tag | |
NN | NOUN | Number=sing | noun, singular or mass |
NNP | PROPN | NounType=prop Number=sign | noun, proper singular |
NNPS | PROPN | NounType=prop Number=plur | noun, proper plural |
NNS | NOUN | Number=plur | noun, plural |
PDT | ADJ | AdjType=pdt PronType=prn | predeterminer |
POS | PART | Poss=yes | possessive ending |
PRP | PRON | PronType=prs | pronoun, personal |
PRP$ | ADJ | PronType=prs Poss=yes | pronoun, possessive |
RB | ADV | Degree=pos | adverb |
RBR | ADV | Degree=comp | adverb, comparative |
RBS | ADV | Degree=sup | adverb, superlative |
RP | PART | adverb, particle | |
SP | SPACE | space | |
SYM | SYM | symbol | |
TO | PART | PartType=inf VerbForm=inf | infinitival to |
UH | INTJ | interjection | |
VB | VERB | VerbForm=inf | verb, base form |
VBD | VERB | VerbForm=fin Tense=past | verb, past tense |
VBG | VERB | VerbForm=part Tense=pres Aspect=prog | verb, gerund or present participle |
VBN | VERB | VerbForm=part Tense=past Aspect=perf | verb, past participle |
VBP | VERB | VerbForm=fin Tense=pres | verb, non-3rd person singular present |
VBZ | VERB | VerbForm=fin Tense=pres Number=sing Person=3 | verb, 3rd person singular present |
WDT | ADJ | PronType=int|rel | wh-determiner |
WP | NOUN | PronType=int|rel | wh-pronoun, personal |
WP$ | ADJ | Poss=yes PronType=int|rel | wh-pronoun, possessive |
WRB | ADV | PronType=int|rel | wh-adverb |
XX | X | unknown |