-- Title : [2k5] 문서화 되지 않은 SQL Server 성능 관련 DBCC
-- Reference : myitforum.com
-- Key word : dbcc sqlperf iostats umsstats waitstats rastats threads logspace
-- 그냥 사용하다 정리가 명령어 생각이 자꾸 안나서 정리..
-- 몇몇 내용은 아직도 모르겠다는거..ㅡㅡ;;; 공부하장..
DBCC SQLPERF(iostats);
The IoStats option retrieves information about your server’s outstanding reads and writes and it writes the following: Statistic and Value which includes statistic information on the following: Reads Outstanding and Writes Outstanding.
DBCC SQLPERF(waitstats);
The WaitStats option retrieves information for the servers resources wait types and it writes the following: Wait Type, Requests, Wait Time and Signal Wait Time.
DBCC SQLPERF(umsstats);
The UmsStats option retrieves information for your threads and it writes the following: Statistic and Value which includes statistic information on the following: Scheduler ID, Num users, Num runnable, Num workers, Idle workers, Work queued, Cntxt switches, Cntxt switches(idle), cheduler ID, Num users, Num runnable, Num workers, Idle workers, Work queued, Cntxt switches, Cntxt switches(idle), Scheduler Switches and Total Work.
DBCC SQLPERF(rastats);
The RaStats option retrieves information about your servers read-ahead statistics and it writes the following: Statistic and Value which includes information on the following: RA Pages Found in Cache, RA Pages Placed in Cache, RA Physical IO and Used Slots.
DBCC SQLPERF(threads);
The Treads option retrieves information for the server’s currently running threads and writes and it writes the following: Spid, Thread ID, Status, LoginName, IO, CPU and MemUsage.
DBCC SQLPERF(logspace);
The LogSpace option retrieves information about the transaction logs for all of the databases on the server and it writes the following: Database Name, Log Size (MB), Log Space Used (%) and Status.
[2k5] 문서화 되지 않은 SQL Server 성능 관련 DBCC
2008. 10. 15. 01:18