-- Title : [2k5] 일반 백업(full, differential, log, bulk-logged) 및 복사전용(copy-only) 백업

-- Reference : dbRang.com
-- Key word : backup database differential, copy only
drop database backupDB;

create database backupDB;

create table ttt (a int, b varchar(100));

insert into ttt values (1, '전체백업 직전');

--전체 백업
backup database backupDB to disk = 'd:\backupDB_bak';

insert into ttt values (2, '증분백업 직전');

--증분 백업
backup database backupDB to disk = 'd:\backupDB_bak'
with differential;

insert into ttt values (3, '복사 전용 백업 직전');

--복사 전용 백업
backup database backupDB to disk = 'd:\backupDB_bak'
with copy_only;

insert into ttt values (4, '2차 증분 백업 직전');

--증분 백업
backup database backupDB to disk = 'd:\backupDB_bak'
with differential;

restore filelistonly from disk = 'd:\backupDB_bak';
restore verifyonly from disk = 'd:\backupDB_bak';
restore labelonly from disk = 'd:\backupDB_bak';
restore headeronly from disk = 'd:\backupDB_bak'; --여기서 확인 가능(IsCopyOnly필드)


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