
-- Title : [ORA9.2] String Function ad Operators
-- Reference : www.postgresql.org
-- Key word : char string 스트링 문자열 문자 

-- SQL String Functions and Operators

Function Return Type Example Result
string || string text 'Post' || 'greSQL' PostgreSQL
string || non-string ornon-string || string text 'Value: ' || 42 Value: 42
bit_length(string) int bit_length('jose') 32
char_length(string) orcharacter_length(string) int char_length('jose') 4
lower(string) text lower('TOM') tom
octet_length(string) int octet_length('jose') 4
overlay(string placingstring from int [for int]) text overlay('Txxxxas' placing 'hom' from 2 for 4) Thomas
position(substring instring) int position('om' in 'Thomas') 3
substring(string [fromint] [for int]) text substring('Thomas' from 2 for 3) hom
substring(string frompattern) text substring('Thomas' from '...$') mas
substring(string frompattern for escape) text substring('Thomas' from '%#"o_a#"_' for '#') oma
trim([leading | trailing | both] [characters] fromstring) text trim(both 'x' from 'xTomxx') Tom
upper(string) text upper('tom') TOM

-- Other String Functions

Function Return Type Example Result
ascii(string) int ascii('x') 120
btrim(string text [,characters text]) text btrim('xyxtrimyyx', 'xy') trim
chr(int) text chr(65) A
concat(str "any" [, str"any" [, ...] ]) text concat('abcde', 2, NULL, 22) abcde222
concat_ws(sep text, str"any" [, str "any" [, ...] ]) text concat_ws(',', 'abcde', 2, NULL, 22) abcde,2,22
convert(string bytea,src_encoding name,dest_encoding name) bytea convert('text_in_utf8', 'UTF8', 'LATIN1') text_in_utf8represented in Latin-1 encoding (ISO 8859-1)
convert_from(string bytea,src_encoding name) text convert_from('text_in_utf8', 'UTF8') text_in_utf8represented in the current database encoding
convert_to(string text,dest_encoding name) bytea convert_to('some text', 'UTF8') some textrepresented in the UTF8 encoding
decode(string text, formattext) bytea decode('MTIzAAE=', 'base64') \x3132330001
encode(data bytea, formattext) text encode(E'123\\000\\001', 'base64') MTIzAAE=
format(formatstr text [, str"any" [, ...] ]) text format('Hello %s, %1$s', 'World') Hello World, World
initcap(string) text initcap('hi THOMAS') Hi Thomas
left(str text, n int) text left('abcde', 2) ab
length(string) int length('jose') 4
length(string bytea,encoding name ) int length('jose', 'UTF8') 4
lpad(string text, length int[, fill text]) text lpad('hi', 5, 'xy') xyxhi
ltrim(string text [,characters text]) text ltrim('zzzytrim', 'xyz') trim
md5(string) text md5('abc') 900150983cd24fb0 d6963f7d28e17f72
pg_client_encoding() name pg_client_encoding() SQL_ASCII
quote_ident(string text) text quote_ident('Foo bar') "Foo bar"
quote_literal(string text) text quote_literal(E'O\'Reilly') 'O''Reilly'
quote_literal(valueanyelement) text quote_literal(42.5) '42.5'
quote_nullable(string text) text quote_nullable(NULL) NULL
quote_nullable(valueanyelement) text quote_nullable(42.5) '42.5'
regexp_matches(string text,pattern text [, flags text]) setof text[] regexp_matches('foobarbequebaz', '(bar)(beque)')
regexp_replace(string text,pattern text, replacementtext [, flags text]) text regexp_replace('Thomas', '.[mN]a.', 'M') ThM
regexp_split_to_array(stringtext, pattern text [, flagstext ]) text[] regexp_split_to_array('hello world', E'\\s+')
regexp_split_to_table(stringtext, pattern text [, flagstext]) setof text regexp_split_to_table('hello world', E'\\s+') hello
(2 rows)
repeat(string text, numberint) text repeat('Pg', 4) PgPgPgPg
replace(string text, fromtext, to text) text replace('abcdefabcdef', 'cd', 'XX') abXXefabXXef
reverse(str) text reverse('abcde') edcba
right(str text, n int) text right('abcde', 2) de
rpad(string text, length int[, fill text]) text rpad('hi', 5, 'xy') hixyx
rtrim(string text [,characters text]) text rtrim('trimxxxx', 'x') trim
split_part(string text,delimiter text, field int) text split_part('abc~@~def~@~ghi', '~@~', 2) def
strpos(string, substring) int strpos('high', 'ig') 2
substr(string, from [,count]) text substr('alphabet', 3, 2) ph
to_ascii(string text [,encoding text]) text to_ascii('Karel') Karel
to_hex(number int or bigint) text to_hex(2147483647) 7fffffff
translate(string text, fromtext, to text) text translate('12345', '143', 'ax') a2x5


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