-- Title : [PGS9.2] UPSERT statement and returning of INSERTED/UPDATED ROW count
-- Reference : dbrang.tistory.com
-- Key word : postgresql upsert merge returning inserted updated row count
-- initiation
drop table ttt;

-- creattion
create table ttt
( id int, value int);

insert into ttt values (1, 1);
insert into ttt values (2, 2);
insert into ttt values (3, 3);

select * from ttt;

-- upsert and return inserted/updated rows
WITH wth_tbl (id, value) AS 
    VALUES (2, 222), (4, 444), (5, 555)
    updated_tbl AS 
    UPDATE ttt t
    set value = t.value + wth_tbl.value
    FROM wth_tbl
    WHERE t.id = wth_tbl.id
    inserted_tbl as 
    INSERT INTO ttt (id, value)
    SELECT id, value
    FROM wth_tbl
    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM updated_tbl WHERE updated_tbl.id = wth_tbl.id)
    RETURNING id, value
SELECT 'inserted' "type", count(*) "cnt"
FROM inserted_tbl 
SELECT 'updated' "type", count(*) "cnt"
FROM updated_tbl;

-- confirm
select * from ttt;


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